Stress Testing the MOTHERS Act
Kelly Patricia O'Meara May 7, 2009
Mothers Act -- A Dangerous Prescription for Mother and Child
Mothers Act Fuels Multibillion Dollar Industry
Motherhood and the Psycho-Pharmaceutical Complex
Evelyn Pringle April 7, 2009
Mandatory Mental Screening for Postpartum Depression
— The Brave New world of Coerced Drugging
Dr. David W. Tanton, Ph.D. February 10, 2009
Drug Your Fetus
Big Pharma Hits on Pregnant Women
Evelyn Pringle November 21, 2006
The Emerging Medicalization of Postpartum Depression: Tightening the Boundaries of Motherhood by Pam Regus 2007
Discover and Recover Resources for Mental Wellness
The Mothers Act: Dangerous Legislation….that Needs to be Stopped
Byron Richards, CCN March 13, 2008
Byron Richards, CCN March 21, 2008
National postpartum illness screening effort stalls
by ELISE YOUNG May 15, 2008
Controversy Swirls Around MOTHERS Act Furious Seasons April 15, 2009
HR20-New Mother's Mandated Mental Health Test-JUST PASSED HOUSE! April 15, 2009
Mental Health in Northfield Mn
Mother's Mandated Mental Health Test, H.R. 20, S.324
NO WAY To The MOTHERS Act!!!! Local News Clips (PPD, drugs)
The Mother's Act - Mandatory Screening of Moms for Depression is Like a Bad Movie Rerun
April 20, 2009 by Evelyn Pringle, health freedom writer
COPES Foundation Coalition Of Parents Enduring Suicide
The supporters of The MOTHERS Act have been engaging for the past few years in an aggressive attempt to pass an incredibly broad federal law which will transform the U.S. market for “antidepressant” or “antipsychotic” drugs from a voluntary pool of patients who are encouraged by commercials to seek help from their doctors, to a government-sponsored screening program to select patients who are deemed to need “antidepressant” or “antipsychotic” drugs from among the female childbearing-age population. These promoters of the bill have had vast resources and ample time to obtain support and backing from the legislators they have influenced.
It is especially shocking to see it being promoted at a time when our society is being terrified by frequent shootings and murder-suicides which have been preceded by the perpetrator’s use and sometimes improper discontinuation of antidepressant drugs, and in the wake of several notable celebrities’ deaths which were the result of prescription drug toxicity. The evidence against these drugs is frightening, and the reality is that, if The MOTHERS Act is passed, those who are the most innocent and vulnerable and in need of protection FROM these drugs will instead be put ON these drugs, and placed in serious danger from all of the negative drug effects - including spontaneous abortion, a tenfold increased risk of psychosis for postpartum women, birth defects, suicide, and homicide (YES, THIS IS A LISTED ANTIDEPRESSANT SIDE EFFECT).The bill creates funding for development of new drugs at taxpayers’ expense. Doctors will be under greater pressure to prescribe drugs to pregnant and postpartum women due to federal law which would ensure the promotion of earlier “detection” and “treatment.”
S. 324, The Melanie Blocker Stokes Mom's Opportunity to Access Health, Education, Research, and Support for Postpartum Depression Act
Detailed Summary
Melanie Blocker Stokes Mom's Opportunity to Access Health, Education, Research, and Support for Postpartum Depression Act or the Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act - Encourages the Secretary of Health and Human Services to continue: (1) activities on postpartum depression; and (2) research to expand the understanding of the causes of, and treatments for, postpartum conditions.
Expresses the sense of Congress that the Director of the National Institute of Mental Health may conduct a nationally representative longitudinal study of the relative mental health consequences for women of resolving a pregnancy in various ways.
Amends the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary to make grants for projects for the establishment, operation, and coordination of effective and cost-efficient systems for the delivery of essential services to individuals with a postpartum condition and their families. Directs the Secretary to ensure that such projects provide education and services with respect to the diagnosis and management of postpartum conditions. Authorizes such projects to include: (1) delivering or enhancing outpatient home-based health and support services; and (2) providing education to new mothers and their families about postpartum conditions to promote earlier diagnosis and treatment. Sets forth grant requirements.
Directs the Secretary to study the benefits of screening for postpartum conditions.
Prohibits the Secretary from utilizing amounts appropriated under this Act to carry out activities or programs that are duplicative of activities or programs that are already being carried out through the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Status of the Legislation
Latest Major Action: 1/26/2009: Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.
When Mothers Kill: America's Serotonin Nightmare (SSRIs)
Folic acid supplements prior to conception associated with reduced infant prematurity
May 11, 2009 Life Extention Foundation
Folic acid may protect against fetal heart defects, study suggests
Canadian Press 5-13-09
Pregnancy is a time of increased nutritional requirements
Thumbs Down Book Review
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
By La Leche League International
Review by Sally Fallon
Mandatory Psychiatry Screening Scam, Mothers Act
Dr. John Breeding, Ph.D. Psychologist
Big Pharma & Psychiatry & FDA, Mental Health for a Profit
Dr. John Breeding, Ph.D. Psychologist
When Mothers Kill, Postpartum Depression, Andrea Yates
Dr. John Breeding, Ph.D. Psychologist
Beat Depression w/out Psychiatry Antidepressant Drugs
Dr. Vincent Bellonzi, D.C., C.C.N.
The Medical Monopoly: Protecting Consumers or Limiting Competition?
by Sue Blevins December 15, 1995
Individual Choice and Freedom to Contract
Professional licensure laws and other regulatory restrictions impose significant barriers to Americans' freedom of choice in health care. Clark Havighurst, the William Neal Reynolds Professor of Law at Duke University, has pointed out, "Professional licensure laws have long made the provision of most personal health services the exclusive province of physicians. Obviously, such regulation limits consumers' options by forcing them to use highly trained, expensive personnel when other types might serve quite well."[12]
Yet the freedom to contract--the right of individuals to decide with whom and for what services they will dispose of their earnings--is one of the fundamental rights of man. As Chief Justice John Marshall said in Ogden v. Saunders, "Individuals do not derive from government their right to contract, but bring that right with them into society . . . [e]very man retains [the right] to . . . dispose of [his] property according to his own judgment." Indeed, legal philosophers and ethicists, such as Roger Pilon, Richard Epstein, and Stephen Mecado, convincingly argue that the rights of property and contract are fundamental rights upon which all others are based.[13]
Flouride Is In Your Drugs And Water - Enormous Effects
Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD 11-3-7
"Almost everyone has at least heard the recent news stories citing links between certain antidepressant drugs and suicides and even school shootings. Several surveys have shown that a majority of school shooters were taking SSRI- type antidepressants before they committed their heinous acts. What most people have not heard is that in most cases these were fluorinated drugs (Paxil and Prozac, etc.), the chemical structure of the drug included the toxic element fluorine."
Doctor: Dangers of Psychiatric Drugs
Russell Blaylock Friday, April 20, 2007
"The death of 32 students and faculty at Virginia Tech contains a number of lessons, many of which should have been learned from previous incidences, such as the Columbine high school shootings. Having treated a number of gunshot wounds in my neurosurgical practice over 25 years, I can appreciate the personal horror it entails, for the victims who survive and by the parents of those who were injured and died."
MSG, Aspartame, fluoride, SSRI, Dr. Blaylock on the Jeff Rense program
Undernews: THE ELEPHANT IN THE MORGUE April 2007
Progressive Review, edited by Sam Smith
"Let's say that of the 24.8 million people using anti-depressants, only one one hundredth of one percent have violent reactions. According to the drug industry and the media, the risk therefore is infinitesimal. But because of the huge number of users, percentages don't really matter - you still have 2,480 potential mass murderers roaming the land.This doesn't mean you ban use of the drugs, but it certainly means the government and the media stop covering up the problem and face it honestly."
The Aftermath Of Prozac, Zoloft, Luvox, Fen-Phen, & Many Other Serotonergic Drugs
Dr. Ann Blake Tracy
University Police: Illinois Campus Shooter, Stephen Kazmierczak
On "Medication" February 2008
Kurt Nimmo Truth News
By Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.
Letter to NIMH: Published NIMH Prozac Trial Report Concealed Suicide Attempts by Teens
Fuel for a Killer
What Drugs Had Cho Taken? April 28 2007
Kip Kinkle is seeking a retrial. After the recent Virginia Tech murders by Seung-Hui Cho, I wonder if his lawyer and people in general are paying enough attention to the antidepressant defense. Michael Moore, who did the Bowling for Columbine documentary which asked why the school shootings were happening, found no adequate explanation. Moore has since found out about the suppression of information by the drug companies and FDA about these drugs inducing suicidality and homicidality. At the Drug Awareness site online, it opens with a video on this, where Michael asks why the drug marketers aren't in jail yet.
Kinkle's lawyer should speak to neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock about the florinated SSRIs. We should multiply our anger at the murderers by a million and apply it to the pharmaceutical/medical profiteers who suppressed the evidence from the beginning and continue to do so now.
Daniel Burdick, Eugene
September 14, 1990 - Lilly memo between John Heiligenstein (Lilly) and Leigh Thompson - Heiligenstein says: "We feel caution should be exercised in a statement that "suicidality and hostile acts in patients taking Prozac reflect the patient's disorder and not a causal relationship to Prozac - - - - Postmarketing reports are increasingly fuzzy and we have assigned ‘Yes, reasonably related' on several reports.". . . "You may want to note that trials were not intended to address issue of suicidality."
Time-line presented to the jury in the Forsyth v. Eli Lilly Trial. It was presented during closing arguments by the plaintiffs. It lists Lilly's internal documents. The plaintiffs allege that it shows that Lilly knew about Prozac-induced suicidality and violence (even before Prozac was approved for marketing in the United States) and that this was withheld from the public.
Max Talbot Sept. 1990 Memo on SSRI Fluoxetine "One possible strategy if FDA presses for an additional labeling change vis-a-vis suicide is a class-wide (i.e. ALL antidepressants) cautionary note; however we should take this position only as a last resort." Thompson replies: "that report MUST move swiftly through approval and to Dr. Leber's (FDA) hands - - he is our defender."
Brendan T. Carroll, MD Serotonin syndrome: How to avoid, identify, & treat
The serotonin syndrome (SS), neuroleptic malignant syndrome NMS, and catatonia share many clinical similarities (i.e., cognitive, behavioral, neuromuscular, and autonomic nervous system dysfunction with variable hyperthermia). However, SS results from treatment with serotonergic agents, while NMS results from dopamine-blocking agents.
Many Doctors Refuse to Recognize the Lethal Risks
Serotonin Syndrome May 8, 2007
Children in Clinical Research: A Conflict of Moral Values
Vera Hassner Sharav, MLS
President, The Alliance for Human Research Protection
Sharav, V. H. 2003. Children in clinical research: A conflict of moral values. The American Journal of Bioethics
Marketing happiness--Prozac:
The launching in 1988 of Eli Lilly’s fluoxetine (Prozac), the first of the new antidepressants (called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SSRI) was a watershed in psychotropic drug marketing. It set the stage for news reports, such as a 1990 cover story in Newsweek, which extolled Prozac as “the breakthrough antidepressant is easier to prescribe and has fewer side effects. And that makes patients -- and doctors -- happy.”187 Prozac and other SSRIs that followed were promoted as “magic bullets” safer, more effective, with few, and significantly milder side effects than earlier drugs. Prozac sales climbed from $135 million in 1988 to more than $2.8 billion in 2001.188 Institutional psychiatry has been richly rewarded for collaborating with pharmaceutical companies, uncritically extolling the wonders of SSRIs (and atypical antipsychotics) in the scientific literature, at conferences and in the media.189 SSRIs have been touted as a breakthrough, safe treatment for depression and the prevention of suicide, as well as a wide range of “conditions” such as grief, shyness, and social dissatisfactions—in a word, allpurpose psychoanalgesics.190 Although scientific evidence of the drug’s efficacy was lacking,191 promotional endorsement by doctors, celebrities, and advocacy groups coupled with their wide application for newly invented “conditions” added to the perception that SSRIs are safe, “magic bullets.” It is puzzling that evidence has not shown a decreased rate of suicide since the advent of antidepressant drugs, so it is unclear on what basis it has been claimed
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