Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Letter to the Senate on S. 324 Melanie Blocker Stokes Act Daniel Burdick

Here bellow is my Letter to the Senate I sent versions of first to my Oregon Senators and then to many of the other Senators.

Appropriate music.

Pete Seeger
Which Side Are You On?

Pop Will Eat Itself
Ich Bin Ein Auslander

I have written the below letter in support of those people who are opposing the Melanie Blocker Stokes initiative. I differ from the majority of these dedicated individuals in that I focus equal attention on the current medical truths, being swept under the rug in this fiasco, about Omega-3s and other nutrient factors in pregnancy. This is germaine. Such considerations represent the medical aspect in maternal psychological health. In an alternate, legitimate action, focused on the welfare of children and adults, rather than their exploiation, here is where the light would be shown.

Branding pregnancy as a mental illness
Byron Richards March 17, 2008

Dr. John Breeding Mandatory Psychiatry Screening Scam, Mothers Act

Evelyn PringleMothers Act fules multibillion dollar industry
Apr 7, 2009

Essential fatty acids for pregnancy and breast feeding
By Oscar Umahro

"Animal studies show that severe EFA deficiency during pregnancy leads to more severe deficiencies in mental and sensory capability (20) . There also appears to be a connection between maternal omega-3 status and the length of gestation: The lower the serum levels of omega-3 fatty acids, the greater the chance of giving birth prematurely (22, 25) . Finally, women with postpartum depression lack omega-3 fatty acids compared to women who gave birth without any problems (16).

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Psychiatric Disorders
Mothers selectively transfer DHA via a placental membrane fatty acid-binding protein to their fetuses to enable optimal neurological development during pregnancy (Campbell et al., 1998; Dutta-Roy, 2000; Martin et al., 2000).


Dear Senator ____________,

The MOTHERS ACT has been reintroduced in the U.S. Senate (S. 324 introduced Jan 26 2009).

The orchestration -- the manipulation of events and messages -- by the drug companies in recent decades (as well as other vested interests) is more far-ranging than people can generally understand.

This Melanie Blocker Stokes initiative, I believe, is duplicitous through and through. They have set up a dummy independent concerned group [1], and acquired well-known supporters, (such as Brooke Sheilds and Valeria Plame Wilson) [2]. They've created a cunning catch phrase: "The Mothers Act" -- How can you "Vote No" on the Mothers Act? They've provided a matching, well-worded, favorable explanatory blurb to portray the legislation.

With congressional backers in place, pharmaceutical lawyers crafted this legislation so as to be seemingly well intended and partially veil the true specificity [3] of its intent (e.g., it is for "research and for providing "comprehensive treatment"). In actual fact it leads straight to increasing profit points in their market [4]. It provides them one more target niche for selling psychopharmaceutical products. This is also viewed by them in terms of the new group of prescribing doctors involved. Loren R. Mosher writing of drug companies' sales campaigns explains that, for them, this is "expanding the prescriber base" [2].

The irony is that, their rallying flag, their martyr, for whom the bill is named, Melanie Blocker-Stokes, committed suicide after she did receive the psychiatric industry favored version of medical treatment, consisting, in her case, of three different drug cocktails and then electrical shocks across her head. The people who lie behind S. 324 are dissembling -- they merely use her name as another propaganda device, in full understanding of the nature of their many deceits.

The brain by dry weight is 60 percent fat. Mothers give their babies DHA Omega 3 fat in utero and in breast milk, removing it from their own body and brain if needed [5]. If people want to truly interest themselves in babies' and mothers' well-being, and in peripartum psychosis and depression, then they should look towards loving support for mothers and babies, social and occupational considerations, and on the medical side, getting them good Omega 3 fats, Zinc, B Vitamins, and Vitamins E and C.

There is no need to do "research" and, meanwhile, give contrived "screening tests" to women as a pretext for deceiving them about the advisability of taking these foreign chemical agents which target the nervous system, i.e., fluorinated SSRI drugging agents (that have long been known to cause homicidal and suicidal ideation), benzos, and neurotoxic "atypicals." These manipulative tactics aim to force-feed these drugs to pregnant and nursing mothers en masse.

The real research is already done and available. Fluorinated phamaceuticals [6] are overly toxic and not appropriate to broadly prescribe to mothers, while Zinc, Folate and EPA/DHA oil are amongst the items to give mothers if one actually wants to help them and their babies' psychologic and neurologic well-being.


Daniel Burdick


[1] Front Groups

Front Groups: Examples of Manufacturing Grassroots Support
Bonner and Associates
John Davies

Pushing Prescriptions
Surrogates for Their Agenda: How the drug industry uses non-profits to push its interests
By Alexander Cohen
"PhRMA internal planning documents, obtained in 2003 by the New York Times, detailed budget plans for that fiscal year beginning in July and described a massive grassroots assault, budgeting almost $9.4 million for third party op-eds and articles, Washington, D.C.-area advertising, media relations consultants and other public relations efforts. Other highlighted areas of interest included spending more than $12 million to ally with doctors, patients, universities and minority groups and a minimum $2 million to policy and research groups."

"Rafael Casas-Don rejoined Burson-Marsteller as Managing Director, Regional Practice Chair of the HealthCare Practice for Burson-Marsteller Latin America in 2007." "He has conducted pro-bono work for organizations such as NAMI and several HIV and AIDS outreach organizations."

Astroturf -- The Big Business of Fake Grassroots Politics
Walter Truett Anderson Jan, 1996

Written by Susan Dowd Stone on April 20, 2009 - 9:40am

Senator Grassley: Letter to National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

“Based upon reporting in the New York Times, I have come to understand that money from the pharmaceutical industry shapes the practices of non-profit organizations which purport to be independent in their viewpoints and actions.”

Non-Profit Organizations with Ties to Industry

"[A] November/December 1999 Mother Jones article, 'An Influential Mental Health Nonprofit Finds Its "Grassroots" Watered by Pharmaceutical Millions,' by Ken Silverstein. The article focused on the enormous amount of funding which NAMI receives from pharmaceutical companies, with Eli Lilly and Co. taking the lead by donating nearly $3 million to NAMI between 1996 and 1999. In fact, according to Silverstein, NAMI took in a little more than $11 million from 18 drug companies for that period." {Senator Grassley's comments, in investigating NAMI thus far, suggest that NAMI is controlled by industry influence and funding, actually though, one can take as read that NAMI was initially created by industry counterintelligence. That is the take home message as to what all this evidence points up. Dan.}

"Schizophrenia Treatment and the New COPE Program"
Results of a multinational survey of the attitudes and perceptions of healthcare professionals, patients and their caregivers. The launch of COPE, a new program providing practical and useful information for understanding and coping with psychosis-related disorders on a day-to-day basis, also will be announced.
Sponsored by: Zeneca Pharmaceuticals/NAMI/ burson marsteller

Let Them Eat Prozac
"Ghost writing has now evolved beyond journal supplements and there are grounds to think that a significant proportion of the articles on therapeutics in main stream journals such as JAMA, The New England Journal of Medicine, the BMJ and the Lancet may be written with help from medical writing agencies."

Rima Laibow and Ret. Gen. Albert Stubblebine: A Modern Major General Exposed?
Various health freedom advocates, their supposed fellows, now suspect their “Natural Solutions Foundation” to be a false front, "controlled opposition" group.
Here are three good references.
Jonathan Campbell 2007
Real health advocates?

How Florida Fell In Love With Antipsychotics April 14, 2008

"Four years ago, Lilly and several other drugmakers proposed the creation of The Florida Behavioral Health Collaborative. And they provided $10 million to the state to get it up and running. Soon, an expert panel was convened and recommended state standards, and national scholars with financial ties to drugmakers that sell atypicals were invited to participate."

More on Glaco and Avandia The New York Times
"The Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Networks was founded by the drug company Bristol Myers Squibb in March 1997, bringing together 12 organisations including Depression Alliance from the UK . GAMIAN-Europe, registered in Belgium , does not detail its funding on its website, apart from acknowledging drug company grants for specific projects. It told the Guardian that nearly half (45%) of its €234,000 (£160,000) income in 2006 came from Eli Lilly, manufacturers of Prozac. Other antidepressant makers also contributed."


A Primer for Understanding “Big Pharma’s” Market Tactics
Loren R. Mosher, Richard Gosden and Sharon Beder

2. Sales campaigns:

Generation of a “media hype” via celebrity endorsements, articles placed by public relations agencies and direct to consumer advertising. The latter is a relatively new technique (1997) that has proven highly successful.

Expanding the prescriber base: The company will focus its detailers efforts on getting primary care doctors comfortable with prescribing their new “safe, effective and well tolerated” drug that has ordinarily been the province of a particular specialty group. This has been an extraordinarily successful technique with both the SSRI anti-depressants (i.e. 60% or more of SSRI prescriptions are written by non-psychiatrists) and the “atypical” anti-psychotic drugs.

Street Spirit Interview with Robert Whitaker

Strategies of Drug Companies to Optimize the Sales of Their Psychiatric Drugs
Robert Whitaker Video at Dresden

[3] Written so as to partially veil the extant specificity of intention.

A) Our Bodies Ourselves -- A Non-profit organization

Rachel Says:
April 23, 2009 at 10:12 am
As far as I can tell, there is nothing at all in the bill that mandates or even privileges antidepressant treatment.

Amy Philo Says:
April 20, 2009 at 1:27 am
As a mother who was screened, drugged, involuntarily hospitalized, and who experienced the frequent reaction to antidepressants of HOMICIDAL ideation, hallucinations, and suicidal urges, I have been warning people for years about the dangers of antidepressants and other drugs. Those who condone and promote drugs are either ignorant, misled, or have other motives for doing so.

B) Senator Blocking MOTHERS Act Is Obstetrician (Seriously) April 20, 2009 “the language of the bill was changed”

"Senator Menendez has worked hard to reach across the aisle and ensure that the language of the bill was changed to accommodate the concerns of Republicans as well as outside parties like the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. There is no mandatory screening, for instance. There should be no concerns remaining that would prevent you from getting behind the Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act and helping mothers."

C) New Mothers and Postpartum Depression
Expecting Executive -- Helping You Manage Life's Details
http://blogspot. 06/14/new-mothers-and-mental- health-ppd.aspx

"How about making a little bit easier on expecting mothers and new mothers by including counseling/coaching as part of the prenatal and postnatal well baby program? How about making sure that doctors are truly checking on the mental well being of the mother and not just the physical well being?" "I believe that all new mothers need proactive mental health care. The delivery of a woman's baby results in huge physical, hormonal and emotional changes...let's stop insinuating that all new mothers should be able to gauge their mental well being and reach out for help if they need it." "I suggest that all expecting mothers should be introduced to and spend some time with a mental health counselor before their babies are due."

D) Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS ACT Becomes Shaky Platform for Frustrated Anti-Pharma Faction
Written by Susan Dowd Stone on April 7, 2009 - 10:06am herarticle/2009/04/07/melanie- blocker-stokes-mothers-act- becomes-shaky-platform- frustrated-anti

"...tactics are being used to frighten the very population the bill is designed to help –mothers suffering from postpartum mood disorders. Such misrepresentations have the potential to derail the long awaited deliverance of help which could reverse and end such suffering….which affects over 800,000 women a year.

The detractors are crafty. Notice they don’t offer a link to the actual language of the bill on their websites, because if they did…. readers would quickly discover that The Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act does not promote medication, in fact, it specifically does NOT fund medication. Nor does The Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act mandate screening.

In the light of day – these false arguments are easily refuted by simply reading the bill. Legislators and organizations confronted with these allegations do just that….they read the bill and then thankfully call to endorse it."

E) “Medications don’t work for everyone so this is more about preventative research”

There She Grows April 20th 2009 Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act: combat Post-Partum Depression

“Some people who consider themselves anti-pharma also oppose the act, possibly under the impression that it is simply another “cause” to aid drug-pushers. There is also the infuriating notion still held by many (thanks, tom cruise) that conditions such as depression are imagined, and that psychiatric treatment is BS. However, there is nothing in the bill that forces women to be screened for the condition OR to be medicated. Medications don’t work for everyone so this is more about preventative research, support and education.”

[4] Profit Points.

Testimony to Texas House Select Committee
Hearing on Psychotropic Drugs in Foster Care
October 4, 2004
John Breeding, PhD, Director
Texans For Safe Education


Psychiatric Diagnoses of Children are not Real Physical Diseases

"I suppose the justification is that these children are sicker, more “mentally ill” than the general population, so in fact they are fortunate to be in our care because they receive needed “treatment.”

I am here to tell you that many of us know better, and to support you in your important, deliberate investigation of this matter. The fact is we responsible adults are failing our children. We call it medicine, but the plain truth is twofold. One, children are profit points for Big Pharma. Two, we are using extremely potent and dangerous psychotropic drugs in an effort to make our children submit to a system that fails to meet their real needs, educational and otherwise.

These drugs are potent and dangerous. I won’t say anymore about that. What makes it even more disgraceful is that we are drugging our precious children without evidence of real disease. As difficult as this is for many to believe, the plain truth is that there is no scientific validation of any of the supposed childhood psychiatric illnesses, which are said to justify giving our children these powerful, addictive, toxic and harmful drugs. Psychiatric diagnoses are entirely subjective."

"Are Kids Being Overdosed?" by Anne Stanton

Letters to the Editor: 5/24/07

"Being a foster child is not a medical condition. And yet psychiatry has laid claim to between 60 and 90 percent of foster children nationwide, drugging them all, putting their final stamp on them—the conspicuous physical sequelae of their drugging/poisoning--things like the grotesque, uncontrollable movements of tardive dyskinesias, or of what looks for all the world like a typical case of advanced-age, Parkinson’s disease, but for the fact it is seen in a five-year old—the handiwork of psychiatry.

By rejecting the fact that these children need love, structure, discipline and an education, but instead, imposing a system that makes them profit-points and intoxicates and poisons them we will surely rue the day when, at 18 or 21, they age-out and spill out into society totally unloved, unprepared, full of the realization that this is what was done to them—this and only this. Their cost in terms of life-long disability will be but a fraction of the cost we will pay for having “pimped” them to the for-profit, psychiatry-big pharma cartel."

"Profit-points," as a term in use in production, marketing, and investment connections -- is not a term I have actually used in conversation myself. Anne Stanton and Dr. John Breeding use the term well so I used it. - Dan Burdick.

[5] Mother's medical need for Omega-3, Zinc, B-Vitamins and Vitamin C.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Psychiatric Disorders

"The physiology of pregnancy involves the mobilization of polyunsaturated fatty acids from maternal stores to the fetus, and supplementation with essential fatty acids may ensure adequate supplies for the needs of the mother and the developing fetus. Hornstra et al. (1995) demonstrated that maternal essential fatty acids, especially the DHA proportion, progressively decrease during pregnancy.

Without sufficient dietary intake, mothers become depleted of DHA, and depletion of maternal n-3 fatty acids has been noted during pregnancy (Otto et al., 1997). Lactation may increase the period needed for DHA to return to normal levels (Otto et al., 2001). Multiple births exacerbate the DHA deficiency (Al et al., 2000). Maternal DHA can be reduced by 50% during pregnancy and not fully restored at 6 months postpartum (Holman et al., 1991; Al et al., 1995).

Mothers selectively transfer DHA via a placental membrane fatty acid-binding protein to their fetuses to enable optimal neurological development during pregnancy (Campbell et al., 1998; Dutta-Roy, 2000; Martin et al., 2000)."

Pregnancy is a time of increased nutritional requirements

“The essential fatty acids (EFAs) and some of their derivatives are of utmost nutritional importance during pregnancy and lactation (8) . During the last trimester of pregnancy and the first months after birth, major developments in the growth and maturation of the infants central nervous system (CNS) and sensory apparatus, such as the eyes, take place.”

"Omega-3 and omega-6 fats are both important, but cannot be interchanged as they are not the same, very much like both vitamin C and E are important vitamins and antioxidants, without one being able to do the job of the other one. Only getting enough of one is better than not getting enough of either, but getting enough of both and in a balanced ratio is the best."

"The reason why DHA has been emphasized so much is very likely the general deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids in modern industrial diets and the general imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Ideally, it should be no more than 4-5:1, but research estimates that modern diets often contain in excess of 14:1 (24) ; other studies show that the ratio is in between 10:1 to 25:1 (22). Too little of either of these fatty acids can lead to impaired development and functioning of the childs central nervous system (18, 19, 21) with the suspected possibility of lowered IQ and decreased visual acuity (6) ."

"Animal studies show that severe EFA deficiency during pregnancy leads to more severe deficiencies in mental and sensory capability (20) . There also appears to be a connection between maternal omega-3 status and the length of gestation: The lower the serum levels of omega-3 fatty acids, the greater the chance of giving birth prematurely (22, 25) . Finally, women with postpartum depression lack omega-3 fatty acids compared to women who gave birth without any problems (16). "

Malcolm Peet 2003
EPA in the treatment of schizophrenia and depression: rationale and preliminary double-blind clinical trial results
“There is considerable evidence that current psychotropic drugs can have adverse as well as beneficial effects on the natural history of mental illness. The administration of drugs which have potent effects on neurotransmitters and their receptors will inevitably lead to compensatory changes in brain biochemistry." " It is increasingly recognized that some psychotropic drug side effects are not merely an inconvenience, but are potentially life threatening.” "There is no doubt that different approaches to the treatment of mental illness are urgently required and that new developments are unlikely to come from permutations of existing neurotransmitter and receptor approaces."

Essential Fatty Acids, DHA and the Human Brain
Meharban Singh

"It is recommended that the pregnant and nursing woman should take at least 2.6 g of omega-3 fatty acids and 100-300 mg of DHA daily to look after the needs of her fetus and suckling infant. The follow-up studies have shown that infants of mothers supplemented with EFAs and DHA had higher mental processing scores, psychomotor development, eye-hand coordination and stereo acuity at 4 years of age. Intake of EFAs and DHA during preschool years may also have a beneficial role in the prevention of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and enhancing learning capability and academic performance."
Indian journal of pediatrics. 2005 Mar;72(3): 239-42

Alternative Treatments for Postpartum Mood Disorders
By Sarah R. Fields
Dr. Bowman checks approximately 180 parameters. In cases of postpartum psychosis, high levels of kryptopyrroles-which indicate low levels of zinc and vitamin B6-signal that serotonin and GABA neurotransmitters are not being produced in adequate amounts. In addition, most postpartum psychosis patients exhibit elevated blood copper, which is associated with elevated norepinephrine levels and can contribute to depression, anxiety, psychosis, or violent behavior.

CCHR The Drugging of "Post Partum Depression"

The Link Between Diet and Behavior
"However, the conversion of shorter-chain EFAs to longer-chain PUFAs in humans is poor. It is also affected by many diet and lifestyle factors including excessive consumption of saturated fats, hydrogenated fats and trans fatty acids; lack of co-factors such as zinc, magnesium, vitamins B3, B6 and C; viral infections and the presence of hormones released in response to stress"

Supplementation with a combination of Omega 3 fatty acid and antioxidants (vitamins E and C) improves the outcome of schizophrenia
Meena Arvindakshan, Madhav Ghate, Prabhakar K. Ranjekar, Denise R. Evans, Sahebarao P. Mahadik

Healthy Mom and Baby

Mothers who ate more seafood than was considered to be safe according to U.S. guidelines had children who were more advanced. They had higher IQs, better social skills, were more communicative and more physically accomplished. Those children whose mothers had eaten no fish performed worse on all the same measures.
As Dr. Hibbeln wrote in their report:
• "We have found that when women had low levels of seafood consumption, the outcome is exactly the opposite of what was assumed by the United States Advisory. Unfortunately, the advice appears to have had the unintended consequence of causing harm in a specific developmental domain – verbal development – where protection was originally intended.
• "We recorded no evidence to lend support to the warnings of the U.S. advisory that pregnant women should limit their seafood consumption.
• "In contrast, we noted that children of mothers who ate small amounts, 340 grams per week, of seafood were more likely to have suboptimum neurodevelopmental outcomes than children of mothers who ate more seafood than the recommended amounts."


Doctor: Dangers of Psychiatric Drugs By Russell Blaylock
[ Dr. Blaylock is a board certified neurosurgeon, author and lecturer.]

By David Healy, MD, Ph.D
"Even before Prozac was licensed at the end of 1987 regulators in Germany had raised the issue of suicidality."

Fluoride in drugs harmful

SSRI Time Line
Google: “During the treatment with the preparation [fluoxetine] 16 suicide attempts were made"

“One issue that will be addressed for the first time is: Why did the German drug regulatory agency (BGA) approve Prozac in 1991 after denying Eli Lilly the license to market the drug in Germany in 1984 without explicit label warnings about the increased suicide risk the drug poses ?

The Elephant in the Morgue Sam Smith, Progressive Review
In coverage of School Shootings one topic has been kept of the table: the consistent use of anti-depressants by the murderers.

Flouride Is In Your Drugs And Water - Enormous Effects
By Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD 11-3-7

"Almost everyone has at least heard the recent news stories citing links between certain antidepressant drugs and suicides and even school shootings. Several surveys have shown that a majority of school shooters were taking SSRI- type antidepressants before they committed their heinous acts. What most people have not heard is that in most cases these were fluorinated drugs (Paxil and Prozac, etc.), the chemical structure of the drug included the toxic element fluorine.

A growing number of studies are showing that fluorine added to drugs and to drinking water can have a profound and prolonged harmful effect on the brain. At present, I am reviewing all the studies done on fluorinated pharmaceutical drugs and their effects on the brain. What I have found is shocking. There is a strong link between the use of many of these drugs and violent behavior, including homicides and suicides.

In 2002, a number of murder/suicides occurred on the military base at Fort Bragg , N.C. , which were linked to the fluorinated anti-malarial drug Lariam. The Canadian military experienced a similar rash of murder/suicides and uncontrollable aggression among its soldiers taking the drug as well.

According to the "Physician's Desk Reference," used by doctors to prescribe medications, the commonly used fluorinated antibiotics Floxin, Levaquin, and Cipro can cause nightmares, psychotic reactions, paranoia, agitation, manic reactions, aggression and hostility, hallucinations, and even depersonalization, all symptoms associated with acts of homicide and suicide.

In fact, in their own clinical trials, pharmaceutical companies found homicides, homicidal acts, homicidal ideation, and aggressive behavior to be a side effect of the fluorinated medications. In addition, it was found that children with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) taking the medications experienced hostility episodes 17 times more often than depressed patients.

Of particular concern was the finding that 1.1 percent of healthy, psychiatrically normal people who took an SSRI anti-depressant experienced one or more hostile episodes, while none taking the placebo had such an event. Medications remain in the brain for prolonged periods after discontinuing the medication, more so with fluoxetine (Prozac) than Paxil.

In 1990, about 220 fluorinated pharmaceutical drugs were on the market. Now some 1,500 are under development. With millions of people taking these classes of fluorinated drugs, events similar to those at Virginia Tech are bound to occur. This incident was a great tragedy. I send my prayers for all those who were killed and injured and especially to their families.

It has been estimated that such side effects with these anti-depressant medications, as well as other fluorinated medications, are grossly underreported to the regulatory agencies. One study estimated only 1 percent to 10 percent of cases are ever reported. Why more people are not affected may be related to the abnormal brain chemistry of depressed and OCD-affected people.

What is unusual about the effect of fluorinated drugs is that they trigger planned violence rather than just violent outburst. This is what we also witnessed in the mass shooting at Virginia Tech. Make sure that the medication your doctor prescribes is not a fluorinated one."


The Melanie Bocker Stokes Act and related issues

Dr. John Breeding Mandatory Psychiatry Screening Scam, Mothers Act

Amy Philo, Unite For Life

Evelyn PringleMothers Act fules multibillion dollar industry
Apr 7, 2009

In a March 30, 2009 speech on the House floor, Congressman Rush identified the target of this piece of legislation when he claimed that, "60 to 80 percent of new mothers experience symptoms of postpartum depression while the more serious condition, postpartum psychosis, affects up to 20 percent of women who have recently given birth."

After the House voted to pass the legislation on that day, the Congressman stated: "H. R. 20 will finally put significant money and attention into research, screening, treatment and education for mothers suffering from this disease."

However, he only mentions screening and treatment for postpartum depression. The true goal of the promoters of this Act is to transform women of child bearing age into life-long consumers of psychiatric treatment by screening women for a whole list of "mood" and "anxiety" disorders and not simply postpartum depression.

Enough cannot be said about the ability of anyone with a white coat and a medical title to convince vulnerable pregnant women and new mothers that the thoughts and feelings they experience on any given day might be abnormal.

The constant watching and barrage of questions such as are you depressed, are you anxious, are you moody, are you fearful of motherhood, are you sleeping well, are there changes in your eating habits, will predictably have the net effect of convincing many women that normal thoughts and emotions are a sign of mental disorders.

The Mothers Act - A Dangerous Prescription for Mothers and Infants

Pat Risser
"Like the Mothers Act, the Veterans Mental Health Treatment First Act is a transparent effort by Big Pharma to expand the psychiatric drug market."

Drug Your Fetus Big Pharma Hits on Pregnant Women
By EVELYN PRINGLE November 2006

If Big Pharma cared one iota about the unborn fetus, at a bare minimum, it would call off its hired-guns traveling around the country peddling SSRI antidepressants to pregnant women by convincing doctors to prescribed the drugs and ignore the studies and FDA warnings that say SSRIs are associated with serious birth defects.
Less than a month ago, on October 16, 2006, the first lawsuit in the nation was filed against GlaxoSmithKline in which an infant charges that his life-threatening lung disorder was caused by exposure to the SSRI Paxil in the womb during his mother's pregnancy.

Dangers of Psych Drugs in Pregnancy Byron J. Richards, CCN March 21, 2008

Branding Pregnancy as Mental Illness By Byron J. Richards, CCN
March 13, 2008

Mothers Act Fuels Multibillion Dollar Industry Tuesday, 7 April 2009, 1:59 pm Column: Evelyn Pringle

Paxil Babies: The Dangers of Antidepressants
By Bruce E. Levine June 6, 2008
Increasing Use of Antidepressants by Pregnant Mothers

“Receiving little attention in 2007 was the study "Increasing Use of Antidepressants in Pregnancy," published by the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Medical records of 105,335 pregnant women enrolled in Tennessee Medicaid from 1999-2003 revealed that antidepressant use during pregnancy increased from 5.7 percent in 1999 to 13.4 percent in 2003.”

Manie's Story (Birth Defects Caused by Antidepressant)


Mental Health Screening, Psychiatry & Pharma Marketing Scam John Breeding, Ph.D.

The Pharmacaust: The Destruction of the "Mentally Ill" Robert Whitaker and Loren Mosher, M.D.

Big Pharma & Psychiatry & FDA, Mental Health for a Profit Dr. John Breeding

When Mothers Kill, Postpartum Depression, Andrea Yates Dr. John Breeding

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