Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Midwives were supressed by the A.M.A. after it was assimilated by the Rockerfeller syndicate. Real male medical doctors were put in charge, as it were - obstetrics, gynecology, fetus-frightening, C-sections and cigars. Herbalism was suppressed as unscientific, old wives tales, superstitious, primatives' nedicne. When their own chemists isolated essential minerals and vitamins 50 years later, treatment with these was likewise suppressed as unscientific, mistaken quake alternative medicine.

Here is a letter I wrote "to midwives" about this and about the Melanie Blocker Stokes, Mothers Act., which I enailed to 4 or 5 midwives organizations in Vermont and now post hete.

To Midwives - Mg and EFAs in Pregnancy, Pernicious "Mothers Act" in Senate S. 324

Daniel Burdick

Tue, May 26, 2009 at 2:54 PM
To: Midwives

I join with the opposition of the "Mothers Act" with activists such as Amy Philo and John Breeding, Ph.D.

Magnesium and EFAs are needed in pregnancy and they are tied to inflammation and "depression".

Fatty acid tied to depression and inflammation By Anne Harding
_________________________________________________________________________________ "Magnesium is needed to activate the enzyme (D6D) that converts dietary fatty acids into DHA, the most abundant fatty acid in brain cell membranes. Deficiencies in DHA have been associated with numerous neurological disorders – from attention-deficits to Alzheimer's disease." www.studiop.com/articles/antiox_mag.html Doctors eagerly prescribe expensive patented drugs, while low-cost nutrients like magnesium remain overlooked. If the 68% of Americans who are magnesium deficient took corrective action, the need for many of these prescription drugs would be reduced.______________________http://www.mgwater.com/_________________________________________________ Nicholas V. Perricone, MD www.lef.org/magazine/mag2005/nov2005_cover_perricone_01.htm Scientists are rapidly acknowledging the role of inflammation in many diseases and chronic conditions. However, I believe this will be the first book that will clearly demonstrate how this subclinical, microscopic, invisible inflammation is responsible for a great number of metabolic problems, resulting in accelerated aging, serious health threats, unwanted weight gain, and obesity. If this was not bad enough news for adults, there is now alarming new evidence that this diet-related inflammation is also causing weight gain and obesity in young children and adolescents, resulting in diseases and conditions such as type II diabetes and metabolic syndrome, which normally do not manifest until much later in life. My research has shown that the chief therapeutic intervention to prevent weight gain (regardless of age) is the anti-inflammatory diet
Essential Fatty Acids and Human Brain by Meharban Singe

The Emerging Medicalization of Postpartum Depression by Pam Regus

Pregnancy is a time of increased nutritional requirements

“The essential fatty acids (EFAs) and some of their derivatives are of utmost nutritional importance during pregnancy and lactation (8) . During the last trimester of pregnancy and the first months after birth, major developments in the growth and maturation of the infants central nervous system (CNS) and sensory apparatus, such as the eyes, take place.”

"Omega-3 and omega-6 fats are both important, but cannot be interchanged as they are not the same, very much like both vitamin C and E are important vitamins and antioxidants, without one being able to do the job of the other one. Only getting enough of one is better than not getting enough of either, but getting enough of both and in a balanced ratio is the best."

"The reason why DHA has been emphasized so much is very likely the general deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids in modern industrial diets and the general imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Ideally, it should be no more than 4-5:1, but research estimates that modern diets often contain in excess of 14:1 (24) ; other studies show that the ratio is in between 10:1 to 25:1 (22). Too little of either of these fatty acids can lead to impaired development and functioning of the childs central nervous system (18, 19, 21) with the suspected possibility of lowered IQ and decreased visual acuity (6) ."

"Animal studies show that severe EFA deficiency during pregnancy leads to more severe deficiencies in mental and sensory capability (20) . There also appears to be a connection between maternal omega-3 status and the length of gestation: The lower the serum levels of omega-3 fatty acids, the greater the chance of giving birth prematurely (22, 25) . Finally, women with postpartum depression lack omega-3 fatty acids compared to women who gave birth without any problems (16). "


Magnesium is important for the body's enzymes in the converion of LA linolenic acid into EPA and DHA fatty acids. Thus it is directly tied to issues of needed healthy fats. Magnesium is important in many ways and is widely difficient in the USA. -- Paul Mason is an interesting and commendable person who has created the expert, magnesium, website. It is actually pretty enjoyable.

Magnesium Water www.mgwater.com/preg.shtml

How Many Americans Are Magnesium Deficient?

Benifits of Antioxidants and Magnesium

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Psychiatric Disorders

"The physiology of pregnancy involves the mobilization of polyunsaturated fatty acids from maternal stores to the fetus, and supplementation with essential fatty acids may ensure adequate supplies for the needs of the mother and the developing fetus. Hornstra et al. (1995) demonstrated that maternal essential fatty acids, especially the DHA proportion, progressively decrease during pregnancy.

Without sufficient dietary intake, mothers become depleted of DHA, and depletion of maternal n-3 fatty acids has been noted during pregnancy (Otto et al., 1997). Lactation may increase the period needed for DHA to return to normal levels (Otto et al., 2001). Multiple births exacerbate the DHA deficiency (Al et al., 2000). Maternal DHA can be reduced by 50% during pregnancy and not fully restored at 6 months postpartum (Holman et al., 1991; Al et al., 1995).

Mothers selectively transfer DHA via a placental membrane fatty acid-binding protein to their fetuses to enable optimal neurological development during pregnancy (Campbell et al., 1998; Dutta-Roy, 2000; Martin et al., 2000)."


To Midwives,

The Mothers Act gives an oportunity to focus on and realize how ruthless so-called medical psychiatry (and the medical racket in general) is. Their lack of ethics, and the manipulative nature of their every message and their every activity is something difficult to fully embrace with the topic supposedly being medicine or psychology. Their medicine is a psyop dysinformation campaign determined to con and force the maximum amount of the highest-cost fake medical nostrums into the maximum number of people. It is not medicine it is warfare.

Mandatory Psychiatry Screening Scam, Mothers Act

It is predatory capitolism. At the end of the 1800s and the beggining of the 1900s the Robber Barrons took over medicine in the USA. The non-human ruthlessness and dishonesty seen in the Melanie Blocker Stokes Mothers Act is a continuation of
bussiness as usual started then and preoceeding through the first half of the century. the second half. to now.

Midwifery by women was ousted, by the A.M.A. and the medical racketering wing of the preditory capitolists. Midwifery was replaced by modern scientific medicine - Obstetrics and Gynecology - men with medical licences from the AMA and the universities, now controlled by the rich. Child birth in hosptial with modern care saw an increase in mortality.

True to form in their medical manipulations, the Melanie Blocker Stokes Act would prevent mothers from receiving medical treatments such as DHA, flax oil (ALA), zinc, magnesium, Vitamin C and foist on them instead ersatz and poisonous medicines. Along with these ertatz treatments comes the substituted artifical medical knowledge. In this conmans' fake version of medical matters expectant mothers and new mothers and their babies will offer a growth market to pharmaceutical companies ever attempting to increase their product sales and profit. Mothers will be diagnosed by professional, who, in their opinion, using word-tests and observation, determine the mothers to fit into this or that category of D.S.M. "disorder." With an appropriate diagnostic number from the manual to label the mother they can then bill her or her insurance for the screening interview or diagnostic interview, any counseling, development of a treatment plan and profitable toxic patent drugs.


"Post-partum depression is common in women after they give birth. Pregnancy uses up huge amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Women with the lowest blood levels of omega-3s are the ones most likely to suffer post-partum depression."

These patent drugs usually contain in their molecule either chlorine (Clonidine, Xanax, Zoloft) or fluorine (Prolixin, Paxil, Prozac). Fluorine is the most reactive of all known elements, and is consequently not a part of organic molecules, such as fats, proteins, DNA, amino acids, enzymes, sugars, nor is it employed within living cells as a salt as chlorine and sodium are. See: Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock Fluorinated drugs Aspertame

Each of their diagnostic categories of "disorders" has certain qualities: the cause is not known and calls for further research, there is no medical diagnostic test (i.e., no blood test, no urine test, no hair test, no biopsy) and so a professional objective diagnosis is the standard used, employing psychological tests, word tests, questioniers, interverview - things of a non-medical nature, treatments for each category include billable patented, trademarked, foreign to the body, drug agents. The exact way in which these drug agents work is not fully known it is stated. The drugs are not curative but work to manages or suppress signs and symptoms, as they are taken on an ongoing basis -- which they have been previously shown to be effective at doing -- as evidence-based, effective, theraputic interventions, by designing and conducting scientific, double-blind journal-published tests. These tests, and their analytical results, are propaganda -- sham affairs -- fabricated, funded, controlled, and ghost written by the pharmaceutical companies.

Stigma is another of these qualities. The disease or disorder (whatever) -- people can feel stigmatization about, and so we don't want that to happen,and we don't want people to be relectant to get treatment, so, there is a need to address stigma as part of a national campaign to reduce stigma and increase awareness so as to get more people diagnosed and treated. Get them the help they richly deserve. Zyprexa. Stigma. Awareness.

Paying attention to a debilitating disorder By Chris Zdeb
thought of as a kid's disease. people can get treatment for ADHD and get on with their lives The disorder can't be cured, but there is treatment available -- medications There's still a stigma to having a psychiatric disorder, he explains. the exact cause is uncertain, he adds.

"As the bill freely acknowledges “The causes of postpartum depression are complex and unknown.” In a mysterious leap of faith the bill says that this condition requires medication to treat it even though such medication has never been proven clinically effective and carries serious side effect risks for the mother and baby, including cardiovascular birth defects."

Thus, actual issues are considered as a marketing opportunity to subvert by these wealthy enemies of the people, and transformed by these machinations of theirs into ersatz pseudo-diagnoses. Actual diagnoses and treatments are excluded and their Orwellian double-think version congeals and pervades.

Please oppose these people that present manipulative propaganda as medical knowledge.

Flax oil is very good. I want to mention here the importance of magnesium. Magnesium deficiency in the U.S.A. is epidemic at this time and this is connected to inflammatory releated diseases such as type two diabetes, depression and Alzheimer's. For Flax (which has the essential fat, ALA) to be transformed by the body's chemical assembly operations from ALA to the longer EPA, then to DHA (used in the brain cell walls) requires available magnesium and other nutrients. Flax is said to often not be an adequate substitute for neutriceutical grade EPA/DHA fish oil because once a person is already ill then the difficult processing steps that the body has to perform, to make flax into these more complex oils, is something that the person, may be better able to do once they are well again. Besides the need for ceratin nutrients for the conversion enzymes, oxidation is another consideration. Care should be taken that these oils be protectedfrom heat light and oxygen when they are outside the body. Then too, inside the body Vitamin E is needed protect these oils and vitamin C to recycle the vitamin E. A person who had high oxidative stress would not benefit from Omega 3s if they were not given with antioxidants starting with Vitamin E and C.

Magnesium in Pregnacy,
and Americans Deficient in Magnesium

Physiologically speaking, there are two fatty acids that are truly "essential". These are Linoleic Acid (LA) and Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA). www.fatsforhealth.com/introduction/faqs.php

The New Breastfeeding Diet Plan: Breakthrough Ways to Reduce Toxins & Give Your Baby the Best Start in Life by Robert Rountree

Comparing Omega 3's from Fish and Flax Seed Oil www.omega3sealoil.com/Chapter4_3c.html "A deficiency of any of the vitamins and mineral co-factors (vitamin B3, B6, C, Zinc and Magnesium) required by elongase and Delta-6 desaturase may inhibit conversion of EPA and DHA"

Stand Up,

Dan Burdick

The Medical Monopoly: Protecting Consumers or Limiting Competition? by Sue Blevins

The following examples show how the medical monopoly has used the power of government to restrict the practice of a variety of nonphysician health care providers.


At least 36 states restrict or outright prohibit the practice of lay midwifery.[46] Consequently, only 5 percent of all births are attended by midwives in this country,[47] compared with 75 percent of all births in European coun- tries.[48] Americans' low usage of midwifery does not correlate with high-quality birth outcomes: the United States has the second highest caesarean rate in the world[49] and the fifth highest infant mortality rate among Western industrialized nations.[50]


Eco-FrontierBy Paul DeRienzo

"In 1910 about half of all babies were delivered by midwives who were either African American or immigrants. Obstetricians pressured states to outlaw midwifery, and largely succeeded despite a John Hopkins study indicating that midwives were better able to handle childbirth than medical doctors.

Until the resurgence of feminism in the 70’s midwifery was illegal in New York State and medical school training programs for midwives usually accept only Registered Nurses. Nurses themselves were part of the backlash against women doctors in the mid-19th century."


The Medical Racket By Wade Frazier

"There have been some victories in the area of childbirth. After the medical profession nearly rendered them extinct, midwives have staged a comeback in America. In Washington State in the year 2000, House Bill 2031 was passed, and my medical insurance company was forced to provide coverage for midwifed births.

Western medicine is a money machine. America spends more than one trillion dollars a year ($1.3 trillion in 2001) on health care. A tiny fraction is spent on prevention, and the prevention is worse than the disease in many instances, and even causes disease.[19] Instead, nearly all the money goes to dramatic interventions, dominated by drugs and surgery. Dr. Julian Whitaker once challenged his readers to try naming a common mainstream medical treatment in America that was not a drug or surgical procedure. Whitaker bet that they could not.[20] The entire Western medical paradigm may be built on a shaky foundation."



Nature Cures: The History of Alternative Medicine in America

"By 1910 and the introduction of Owen's first bill, naturopaths had endured a decade of arrests and prosecutions for practicing medicine without a license. Indeed, the founder of naturopathy was arrested before he had even adopted the name naturopathy. In 1899 Lust was hauled into court..."

Modern Medicine, Part I: How Healing Illness Became Managing Illness January 27, 2009 by: Tony Isaacs, citizen journalist www.naturalnews.com/025428.html

Just Say No to the Mothers Act April 26 2009
by Evelyn Pringle www.bestsyndication.com/?q=node/28438

"The customer base the psycho-pharmaceutical industry is hoping to corral through passage of the Mothers Act is the more than four million women who give birth in the US each year. That number was 4,317,119 in 2007, according to the CDC.

The Act's passage, after eight years of solid efforts, would set the stage for the screening of all pregnant women for a whole list of mental disorders. The bill has already passed in the US House of Representatives ..."

NAMI - Drug Money Laundering is Illegal April 18th 2009
by Evelyn Pringle

"The National Alliance for Mental Illness is the latest member of the psycho-pharmaceutical cartel whose Big Pharma money trail is under investigation by the US Senate Finance Committee, with Iowa’s Republican Senator Chuck Grassley leading the charge..."

“Stress Testing The MOTHERS Act” by Kelly O’Meara May 7th 2009

The Bitter Pill

The MOTHERS ACT Dangerous Legislation That Needs To Be Stopped

The Lawlessness of Big Pharma

Melanie Blocker Stokes Initiative duplicitous through and through

Drug Companies Still Peddling Risperdal and Zyprexa For Off-Label Use
Evelyn Pringle June 2006

DBSA e-Update April 2008: Advocacy
Help Debunk Rumors and Lies about Postpartum LegislationShow Your Full Support Now!
"Unfortunately, complaints have been circulating lately on the Internet, asking readers to block passage of this critical legislation. These outspoken opponents include a psychologist with a counseling background, an osteopathic physician, an Alaska-based lawyer who specializes in public land law and a holistic health care practitioner and master herbalist, known for his criticism of psychiatry. None of these "experts" have any expertise in mental health, obstetrics, pediatrics or any other field related to postpartum mood disorders. They claim that the legislation is a conspiracy by large pharmaceutical companies to push new mothers to take unnecessary medication."

LE Magazine, March 2005 - Report: The Making of Killer E
But the question remains: why did the Annals of Internal Medicine publish such nonsense? The answer was clearly stated in that same publication. The point was to make public policy. The “killer E” meta-analysis was a call for an end to all “high-dose” supplements, a dare to American institutions to reverse their policies on vitamin E, and a challenge to “regulators and policymakers” to control which vitamins Americans take. Who are these people who want to control which vitamins we take?

Women's Multivitamin Study: 'A little, too late' study, designed to fail

The New Breast Feeding Diet Plan

"Post-partum depression is common in women after they give birth. Pregnancy uses up huge amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Women with the lowest blood levels of omega-3s are the ones most likely to suffer post-partum depression."

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Psychiatric Disorders

"The physiology of pregnancy involves the mobilization of polyunsaturated fatty acids from maternal stores to the fetus, and supplementation with essential fatty acids may ensure adequate supplies for the needs of the mother and the developing fetus. Hornstra et al. (1995) demonstrated that maternal essential fatty acids, especially the DHA proportion, progressively decrease during pregnancy.

Without sufficient dietary intake, mothers become depleted of DHA, and depletion of maternal n-3 fatty acids has been noted during pregnancy (Otto et al., 1997). Lactation may increase the period needed for DHA to return to normal levels (Otto et al., 2001). Multiple births exacerbate the DHA deficiency (Al et al., 2000). Maternal DHA can be reduced by 50% during pregnancy and not fully restored at 6 months postpartum (Holman et al., 1991; Al et al., 1995).

Mothers selectively transfer DHA via a placental membrane fatty acid-binding protein to their fetuses to enable optimal neurological development during pregnancy (Campbell et al., 1998; Dutta-Roy, 2000; Martin et al., 2000)."

Pregnancy is a time of increased nutritional requirements

“The essential fatty acids (EFAs) and some of their derivatives are of utmost nutritional importance during pregnancy and lactation (8) . During the last trimester of pregnancy and the first months after birth, major developments in the growth and maturation of the infants central nervous system (CNS) and sensory apparatus, such as the eyes, take place.”

"Omega-3 and omega-6 fats are both important, but cannot be interchanged as they are not the same, very much like both vitamin C and E are important vitamins and antioxidants, without one being able to do the job of the other one. Only getting enough of one is better than not getting enough of either, but getting enough of both and in a balanced ratio is the best."

"The reason why DHA has been emphasized so much is very likely the general deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids in modern industrial diets and the general imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Ideally, it should be no more than 4-5:1, but research estimates that modern diets often contain in excess of 14:1 (24) ; other studies show that the ratio is in between 10:1 to 25:1 (22). Too little of either of these fatty acids can lead to impaired development and functioning of the childs central nervous system (18, 19, 21) with the suspected possibility of lowered IQ and decreased visual acuity (6) ."

"Animal studies show that severe EFA deficiency during pregnancy leads to more severe deficiencies in mental and sensory capability (20) . There also appears to be a connection between maternal omega-3 status and the length of gestation: The lower the serum levels of omega-3 fatty acids, the greater the chance of giving birth prematurely (22, 25) . Finally, women with postpartum depression lack omega-3 fatty acids compared to women who gave birth without any problems (16). "


Magnesium is needed to activate the enzyme (D6D) that converts dietary fatty acids into DHA, the most abundant fatty acid in brain cell membranes. Deficiencies in DHA have been associated with numerous neurological disorders – from attention-deficits to Alzheimer's disease. www.studiop.com/articles/antiox_mag.html

Doctors eagerly prescribe expensive patented drugs, while low-cost nutrients like magnesium remain overlooked. If the 68% of Americans who are magnesium deficient took corrective action, the need for many of these prescription drugs would be reduced.

Nicholas V. Perricone, MD
Scientists are rapidly acknowledging the role of inflammation in many diseases and chronic conditions. However, I believe this will be the first book that will clearly demonstrate how this subclinical, microscopic, invisible inflammation is responsible for a great number of metabolic problems, resulting in accelerated aging, serious health threats, unwanted weight gain, and obesity.

If this was not bad enough news for adults, there is now alarming new evidence that this diet-related inflammation is also causing weight gain and obesity in young children and adolescents, resulting in diseases and conditions such as type II diabetes and metabolic syndrome, which normally do not manifest until much later in life.

My research has shown that the chief therapeutic intervention to prevent weight gain (regardless of age) is the anti-inflammatory diet.


Malcolm Peet 2003
EPA in the treatment of schizophrenia and depression: rationale and preliminary double-blind clinical trial results
“There is considerable evidence that current psychotropic drugs can have adverse as well as beneficial effects on the natural history of mental illness. The administration of drugs which have potent effects on neurotransmitters and their receptors will inevitably lead to compensatory changes in brain biochemistry." " It is increasingly recognized that some psychotropic drug side effects are not merely an inconvenience, but are potentially life threatening.” "There is no doubt that different approaches to the treatment of mental illness are urgently required and that new developments are unlikely to come from permutations of existing neurotransmitter and receptor approaces."

Essential Fatty Acids, DHA and the Human Brain
Meharban Singh

"It is recommended that the pregnant and nursing woman should take at least 2.6 g of omega-3 fatty acids and 100-300 mg of DHA daily to look after the needs of her fetus and suckling infant. The follow-up studies have shown that infants of mothers supplemented with EFAs and DHA had higher mental processing scores, psychomotor development, eye-hand coordination and stereo acuity at 4 years of age. Intake of EFAs and DHA during preschool years may also have a beneficial role in the prevention of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and enhancing learning capability and academic performance."
Indian journal of pediatrics. 2005 Mar;72(3): 239-42

Alternative Treatments for Postpartum Mood Disorders
By Sarah R. Fields
Dr. Bowman checks approximately 180 parameters. In cases of postpartum psychosis, high levels of kryptopyrroles-which indicate low levels of zinc and vitamin B6-signal that serotonin and GABA neurotransmitters are not being produced in adequate amounts. In addition, most postpartum psychosis patients exhibit elevated blood copper, which is associated with elevated norepinephrine levels and can contribute to depression, anxiety, psychosis, or violent behavior.

The Drugging of "Post Partum Depression" CCHR

The Link Between Diet and Behavior
"However, the conversion of shorter-chain EFAs to longer-chain PUFAs in humans is poor. It is also affected by many diet and lifestyle factors including excessive consumption of saturated fats, hydrogenated fats and trans fatty acids; lack of co-factors such as zinc, magnesium, vitamins B3, B6 and C; viral infections and the presence of hormones released in response to stress"

Supplementation with a combination of Omega 3 fatty acid and antioxidants (vitamins E and C) improves the outcome of schizophrenia
Meena Arvindakshan, Madhav Ghate, Prabhakar K. Ranjekar, Denise R. Evans, Sahebarao P. Mahadik www.sepeap.es/revisiones/archivos/10418.pdf

Healthy Mom and Baby

Mothers who ate more seafood than was considered to be safe according to U.S. guidelines had children who were more advanced. They had higher IQs, better social skills, were more communicative and more physically accomplished. Those children whose mothers had eaten no fish performed worse on all the same measures.
As Dr. Hibbeln wrote in their report:
• "We have found that when women had low levels of seafood consumption, the outcome is exactly the opposite of what was assumed by the United States Advisory. Unfortunately, the advice appears to have had the unintended consequence of causing harm in a specific developmental domain – verbal development – where protection was originally intended.
• "We recorded no evidence to lend support to the warnings of the U.S. advisory that pregnant women should limit their seafood consumption.
• "In contrast, we noted that children of mothers who ate small amounts, 340 grams per week, of seafood were more likely to have suboptimum neurodevelopmental outcomes than children of mothers who ate more seafood than the recommended amounts."


John Hopkin's Video on natal nutrition www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJvlIoKVdNY

Lipids in Health and Disease 2004

Omega-3 fatty acids play a critical role in the development and function of the central nervous system. Emerging research is establishing an association between omega-3 fatty acids (alpha-linolenic, eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic) and major depressive disorder. Evidence from epidemiological, laboratory and clinical studies suggest that dietary lipids and other associated nutritional factors may influence vulnerability and outcome in depressive disorders.

Relationships between omega-3 status and post-partum depression have also been investigated. In a cohort of 380 Australian women, plasma DHA was investigated at 6 months post-partum. Logistic regression analysis indicated that a 1% increase in plasma DHA was associated with a 59% reduction in the reporting of depressive symptoms [24]. It is well known that during pregnancy there is a significant transfer (up to 2.2 g/day) EFAs to the developing fetus [7]. Increased risk of post-partum depressive symptoms has recently been associated with a slower normalization of DHA levels after pregnancy [25].
Suicide attempts have also been associated with low levels of RBC EPA. In a study involving 100 suicide attempt cases in China compared to 100 hospital admission controls, there was an eightfold difference in suicide attempt risk between the lowest and highest RBC EPA level quartiles [26]. The seasonality of depression and suicide has been described by investigators, with more deaths in spring and summer vs.autumn and winter. Total serum cholesterol has been highly significantly synchronized with the annual rhythms in violent suicide deaths [27]. Recently, investigators found that EFA levels also vary by season, with peaks of EPA and DHA from August to September. The parent omega-3 and 6 levels did not have a seasonal variation, suggesting a seasonal interference with delta-5-desaturase conversion. The authors of this study suggest that the seasonal variation in EPA or DHA may, in part, explain seasonality of violent suicide occurrence [28].

Codex Alimentarius

Understanding CODEX www.quackpotwatch.org/opinionpieces/Codex.htm

We Become Slent Video Narrated by Dame Judi Dench


Susan Stone of Postpartum Progress informs us that, before stopping to do pro bono, non-profit work to support passage of the Melanie Blocker Stokes, Mothers Act, she had a "six-figure" annual income in marketing at Coca-Cola. http://postpartumprogress. typepad.com/weblog/melanie_ blocker_stokes_postpartum_ depression_act/

As to what sort of treatment they anticipate providing to these mothers with the the diagnoses of having these their numinous diseases (disorders, depressions, conditions, issues, illnesses, whatever) -- that a person can't "get over"-- once they have their Mothers Act passed by the Senate, Susan Stone writes that, "there are people for whom medication does not work," so we can see from her words that they do not anticipate drugging everyone. That is... if they try drugging a woman a few times, and it turns out that this woman is one of the ones for whom in fact "mediciation does not work" then, they can try something else. It is not all about drugs Susan Stone is telling us.

"there are people for whom medication does not work" EmpowHer Susan Stone
www.empowher.com/news/ herarticle/2009/04/07/melanie- blocker-stokes-mothers-act- becomes-shaky-platform- frustrated-anti



A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of extract of Ginkgo biloba added to haloperidol in treatment-resistant

Dehydroepiandrosterone DHEA for "negative symptoms"

DHEA and Cortisol -- stress hormones

DHEA Article by James South www.smart-drugs.com/JamesSouth-DHEA.htm


Hibbeln, J. R., T. A. Ferguson, et al. (2006). "Omega-3 fatty acid deficiencies in neurodevelopment, aggression and autonomic dysregulation: opportunities for intervention." Int Rev Psychiatry 18(2): 107-18.
Mechanisms by which aggressive and depressive disorders may be exacerbated by nutritional deficiencies in omega-3 fatty acids are considered. Early developmental deficiencies in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) may lower serotonin levels at critical periods of neurodevelopment and may result in a cascade of suboptimal development of neurotransmitter systems limiting regulation of the limbic system by the frontal cortex. Residual developmental deficits may be manifest as dysregulation of sympathetic responses to stress including decreased heart rate variability and hypertension, which in turn have been linked to behavioral dysregulation. Little direct data are available to disentangle residual neurodevelopmental effects from reversible adult pathologies. Ensuring optimal intakes of omega-3 fatty acids during early development and adulthood shows considerable promise in preventing aggression and hostility.

1: Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2001 Apr;25(3):463-93.

Oxidative stress and role of antioxidant and omega-3 essential fatty acid supplementation in schizophrenia.

Mahadik SP, Evans D, Lal H.
Department of Psychiatry and Health Behavior, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA. Mahadik@psych.mcg.edu
1. Schizophrenia is a major mental disorder that has a lifetime risk of 1% and affects at young age (average age at the onset 24 +/- 4.6 years) in many cultures around the world. The etiology is unknown, the pathophysiology is complex, and most of the patients need treatment and care for the rest of their lives. 2. Cellular oxidative stress is inferred from higher tissue levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS, e.g., O2*-, OH*, OH-, NO* and ONOO--) than its antioxidant defense that cause peroxidative cell injury, i.e., peroxidation of membrane phospholipids, particularly esterified essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (EPUFAS), proteins and DNA. 3. Oxidative stress can lead to global cellular with predominantly neuronal peroxidation, since neurons are enriched in highly susceptible EPUFAs and proteins, and damages DNA is not repaired effectively. 4. Such neuronal peroxidation may affect its function (i.e., membrane transport, loss of mitochondrial energy production, gene expression and therefore receptor-mediated phospholipid-dependent signal transduction) that may explain the altered information processing in schizophrenia. 5. It is possible that the oxidative neuronal injury can be prevented by dietary supplementation of antioxidants (e.g., vitamins E, C and A; beta-carotene, Q-enzyme, flavons, etc.) and that membrane phospholipids can be corrected by dietary supplementation of EPUFAs. 6. It may be that the oxidative stress is lower in populations consuming a low caloric diet rich in antioxidants and EPUFAs, and minimizing smoking and drinking. 7. Oxidative stress exists in schizophrenia based on altered antioxidant enzyme defense, increased lipid peroxidation and reduced levels of EPUFAs. The life style of schizophrenic patients is also prooxidative stress, i.e., heavy smoking, drinking, high caloric intake with no physical activity and treatment with pro-oxidant drugs. 8. The patients in developed countries show higher levels of lipid peroxidation and lower levels of membrane phospholipids as compared to patients in the developing countries. 9. Initial observations on the improved outcome of schizophrenia in patients supplemented with EPUFAs and antioxidants suggest the possible beneficial effects of dietary supplementation. 10. Since the oxidative stress exists at or before the onset of psychosis the use of antioxidants from the very onset of psychosis may reduce the oxidative injury and dramatically improve the outcome of illness.
PMID: 11370992 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


I had GREAT results with DHA for my second pregnancy.

My first pregnancy I had very intense mood swings for the first few months & then after my son was born I had a lot of post partum depression -- for a good 6 months and probably somewhat to a year post partum. It was very difficult.

I had read about taking DHA a few years later. I took it daily for about 6 months before I conceived my second son. Between that and seriously cutting back on white flour & white sugar, I had no wild mood swings during the pregancy & no post partum at all.

What's even more remarkable for me (and leads me to believe that both the DHA and diet helped) was that my husband left while I was pregnant, so I took care of our toddler son alone & went through pregnancy & post partum alone. So there was a ton of extra stress & I was completely calm & in control unlike the first pregnancy.

I hope this may help other women. I believe it really helped me.


Alliance for Human Research Protection Condemns Psychiatric Researchers for Lack of Integrity and Hidden Financial Ties
Wednesday, June 11, 2008 by: Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor http://www.naturalnews.com/023420.html "The criminal behavior demonstrated by Dr. Biederman and other top psychiatric disease mongers is now receiving widespread condemnation by even the very newspapers, magazines and news programs that are largely funded by Big Pharma! When the New York Times makes statements that imply psychiatric drugs are dangerous chemicals that promote obesity and diabetes, it's an indication of a monumental shift in the thinking of mainstream Americans. It shows that we're winning the war against psychiatric medicine and it's only a matter of time before these drug-pushing criminals are stopped. Better yet, we hope to see them rounded up, prosecuted, and thrown in prison for the outrageous crimes they have committed by, for example, using the brains of four-year old children in medical experiments involving psychotropic drugs." Psychiatrists Biederman and Wozniac at Cambridge (Harvard) Massachusetes set a leading psychiatic example that Psychitric M.D.s follow. FOX News had this on the death of four year old Rebecca Riley who had been "diagnosed" by a "Psychiatrist" and prescribed "Medications." Her Psychiatrist "doctor" stated that he was following the current example of the leaders. Janet Wozniac is simultaneously employed by a drug company and the Cambridge pediatrics department, and holds stock in the company.FOX Big Outrage www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGaCFF3djr8

Codex http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=451097355502728465
Vera Sharav of The Alliance for Human Research Protection
Screening for Mental Illness in Youth: Good Preventative Medicine
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3534733950229591648&ei=dxRlSZbTJqHaqAOWiozxCg&q=Vera+Sharav&hl=en and at
Vera Sharav Powerpoint Presentationwww.ahrp.org/children/teenscreen/debateNAS0206.ppt
National Academies of Science Sci-Tech Policy Fellows Seminar ...
File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint - View as HTML“Screening for Mental Illness in Youth: Good Preventive Medicine?” Vera Hassner Sharav. President. Alliance for Human Research Protection. February 22, 2006 ...www.ahrp.org/children/teenscreen/debateNAS0206.ppt
TeenScreen Vera Sharav www.ahrp.org/cgi-bin/perlfect/search/search.pl?q=teenscreen
Anti psychiatry. Pro Freedomhttp://psychroaches.blogspot.com/2008/02/federally-funded-perverts-racists-and.html Comparing Omega 3's from Fish and Flax Seed Oil www.omega3sealoil.com/Chapter4_3c.html "A deficiency of any of the vitamins and mineral co-factors (vitamin B3, B6, C, Zinc and Magnesium) required by elongase and Delta-6 desaturase may inhibit conversion of EPA and DHA" In Rhematoid Arthritus drug treatment primarily consist of patented NSAIDS like ibuprofen and aspirin, and Corticosteroids (such as prednisone; methylprenisolone, Medrol®) and some other patented drugs. This is a poor but typical state of affairs since it neglects this issue of treating the bodily systems, and also leaves out of proper consideration non-prescription anti inflammatory treatments such as nettles www.lef.org/magazine/mag2001/jan2001_report_cox2_2.html boswelliawww.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-Address&rlz=1I7ADBF&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=boswellia+%22Boswellic+acids%22+arthritis&spell=1GLA www.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-Address&rlz=1I7ADBF&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=Gamma+Linoleic+acid+arthritis&spell=1and Curcumin from Turmeric http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=turmeric+curcumin+pain+NF-kappa+B+activation&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&oq=

Front Groups

Front Groups: Examples of Manufacturing Grassroots Support
Bonner and Associates
John Davies

Pushing Prescriptions
Surrogates for Their Agenda: How the drug industry uses non-profits to push its interests
By Alexander Cohen
"PhRMA internal planning documents, obtained in 2003 by the New York Times, detailed budget plans for that fiscal year beginning in July and described a massive grassroots assault, budgeting almost $9.4 million for third party op-eds and articles, Washington, D.C.-area advertising, media relations consultants and other public relations efforts. Other highlighted areas of interest included spending more than $12 million to ally with doctors, patients, universities and minority groups and a minimum $2 million to policy and research groups."

"Rafael Casas-Don rejoined Burson-Marsteller as Managing Director, Regional Practice Chair of the HealthCare Practice for Burson-Marsteller Latin America in 2007." "He has conducted pro-bono work for organizations such as NAMI and several HIV and AIDS outreach organizations."

Astroturf -- The Big Business of Fake Grassroots Politics
Walter Truett Anderson Jan, 1996

Written by Susan Dowd Stone on April 20, 2009 - 9:40am

Senator Grassley: Letter to National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

“Based upon reporting in the New York Times, I have come to understand that money from the pharmaceutical industry shapes the practices of non-profit organizations which purport to be independent in their viewpoints and actions.”

Non-Profit Organizations with Ties to Industry

"[A] November/December 1999 Mother Jones article, 'An Influential Mental Health Nonprofit Finds Its "Grassroots" Watered by Pharmaceutical Millions,' by Ken Silverstein. The article focused on the enormous amount of funding which NAMI receives from pharmaceutical companies, with Eli Lilly and Co. taking the lead by donating nearly $3 million to NAMI between 1996 and 1999. In fact, according to Silverstein, NAMI took in a little more than $11 million from 18 drug companies for that period." {Senator Grassley's comments, in investigating NAMI thus far, suggest that NAMI is controlled by industry influence and funding, actually though, one can take as read that NAMI was initially created by industry counterintelligence. That is the take home message as to what all this evidence points up. Dan.}

"Schizophrenia Treatment and the New COPE Program"
Results of a multinational survey of the attitudes and perceptions of healthcare professionals, patients and their caregivers. The launch of COPE, a new program providing practical and useful information for understanding and coping with psychosis-related disorders on a day-to-day basis, also will be announced.
Sponsored by: Zeneca Pharmaceuticals/NAMI/ burson marsteller

Let Them Eat Prozac
"Ghost writing has now evolved beyond journal supplements and there are grounds to think that a significant proportion of the articles on therapeutics in main stream journals such as JAMA, The New England Journal of Medicine, the BMJ and the Lancet may be written with help from medical writing agencies."

Rima Laibow and Ret. Gen. Albert Stubblebine: A Modern Major General Exposed?
Various health freedom advocates, their supposed fellows, now suspect their “Natural Solutions Foundation” to be a false front, "controlled opposition" group.
Here are three good references.
Jonathan Campbell 2007 www.thenhf.com/articles/articles_486/articles_486.htm
Real health advocates? www.curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1029074
Disinformation http://educate-yourself.org/lte/actionabledisinformation23dec08.shtml

How Florida Fell In Love With Antipsychotics April 14, 2008

"Four years ago, Lilly and several other drugmakers proposed the creation of The Florida Behavioral Health Collaborative. And they provided $10 million to the state to get it up and running. Soon, an expert panel was convened and recommended state standards, and national scholars with financial ties to drugmakers that sell atypicals were invited to participate."

More on Glaco and Avandia The New York Times
"The Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Networks was founded by the drug company Bristol Myers Squibb in March 1997, bringing together 12 organisations including Depression Alliance from the UK . GAMIAN-Europe, registered in Belgium , does not detail its funding on its website, apart from acknowledging drug company grants for specific projects. It told the Guardian that nearly half (45%) of its €234,000 (£160,000) income in 2006 came from Eli Lilly, manufacturers of Prozac. Other antidepressant makers also contributed."

A Primer for Understanding “Big Pharma’s” Market Tactics
Loren R. Mosher, Richard Gosden and Sharon Beder http://homepage.mac.com/herinst/sbeder/drugcompanies.html

2. Sales campaigns:

Generation of a “media hype” via celebrity endorsements, articles placed by public relations agencies and direct to consumer advertising. The latter is a relatively new technique (1997) that has proven highly successful.

Expanding the prescriber base: The company will focus its detailers efforts on getting primary care doctors comfortable with prescribing their new “safe, effective and well tolerated” drug that has ordinarily been the province of a particular specialty group. This has been an extraordinarily successful technique with both the SSRI anti-depressants (i.e. 60% or more of SSRI prescriptions are written by non-psychiatrists) and the “atypical” anti-psychotic drugs.

Street Spirit Interview with Robert Whitaker

Strategies of Drug Companies to Optimize the Sales of Their Psychiatric Drugs
Robert Whitaker Video at Dresden

Bill is written so as to partially veil the extant specificity of intention

Our Bodies Ourselves -- A Non-profit organization

Rachel Says:
April 23, 2009 at 10:12 am
As far as I can tell, there is nothing at all in the bill that mandates or even privileges antidepressant treatment.

Amy Philo Says:
April 20, 2009 at 1:27 am
As a mother who was screened, drugged, involuntarily hospitalized, and who experienced the frequent reaction to antidepressants of HOMICIDAL ideation, hallucinations, and suicidal urges, I have been warning people for years about the dangers of antidepressants and other drugs. Those who condone and promote drugs are either ignorant, misled, or have other motives for doing so.

Senator Blocking MOTHERS Act Is Obstetrician (Seriously) April 20, 2009
http://postpartumprogress.typepad.com “the language of the bill was changed”

"Senator Menendez has worked hard to reach across the aisle and ensure that the language of the bill was changed to accommodate the concerns of Republicans as well as outside parties like the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. There is no mandatory screening, for instance. There should be no concerns remaining that would prevent you from getting behind the Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act and helping mothers."

New Mothers and Postpartum Depression
Expecting Executive -- Helping You Manage Life's Details
http://blogspot. expectingexecutive.com/2007/ 06/14/new-mothers-and-mental- health-ppd.aspx

"How about making a little bit easier on expecting mothers and new mothers by including counseling/coaching as part of the prenatal and postnatal well baby program? How about making sure that doctors are truly checking on the mental well being of the mother and not just the physical well being?" "I believe that all new mothers need proactive mental health care. The delivery of a woman's baby results in huge physical, hormonal and emotional changes...let's stop insinuating that all new mothers should be able to gauge their mental well being and reach out for help if they need it." "I suggest that all expecting mothers should be introduced to and spend some time with a mental health counselor before their babies are due."

Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS ACT Becomes Shaky Platform for Frustrated Anti-Pharma Faction
Written by Susan Dowd Stone on April 7, 2009 - 10:06am
www.empowher.com/news/ herarticle/2009/04/07/melanie- blocker-stokes-mothers-act- becomes-shaky-platform- frustrated-anti

"...tactics are being used to frighten the very population the bill is designed to help –mothers suffering from postpartum mood disorders. Such misrepresentations have the potential to derail the long awaited deliverance of help which could reverse and end such suffering….which affects over 800,000 women a year.

The detractors are crafty. Notice they don’t offer a link to the actual language of the bill on their websites, because if they did…. readers would quickly discover that The Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act does not promote medication, in fact, it specifically does NOT fund medication. Nor does The Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act mandate screening.

In the light of day – these false arguments are easily refuted by simply reading the bill. Legislators and organizations confronted with these allegations do just that….they read the bill and then thankfully call to endorse it."

“Medications don’t work for everyone so this is more about preventative research” http://grow.corsakti.com/?p=173

There She Grows April 20th 2009 Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act: combat Post-Partum Depression

“Some people who consider themselves anti-pharma also oppose the act, possibly under the impression that it is simply another “cause” to aid drug-pushers. There is also the infuriating notion still held by many (thanks, tom cruise) that conditions such as depression are imagined, and that psychiatric treatment is BS. However, there is nothing in the bill that forces women to be screened for the condition OR to be medicated. Medications don’t work for everyone so this is more about preventative research, support and education.”

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