Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Medical Racketeering

Hello from Very Critical Psychiaty,

This is Dan Burdick, AKA Michael Valentine Smith of Springfield Eugene Antipsychiatry, starting up a new blog, to oppose the Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act act currently in the U.S. Senate as bill S. 324, and standing in soilidarity with the Antipsychiatry wing of the Peoples Social Change Movement. Stand Up.

The "Carnegie Foundation Bulletin Number Four"

Medical education in the United States and Canada; a report to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching [c1910] is a document created by John Rockefeller Senior and his organization that they used to finish seizing control of medicine. We are left with a Public Relations version of science, the Toximolecular Medicine that the medical schools teach.

Psychiatrist Abram Hoffer, M.D. of the supressed Orthomolecular wing of psychiatry (which should have been the leadership of A.P.A. American Psychiatric Association psychiatry) refers to it as "horizontal medicine." He opines, "Modern medicine is very effective in dealing with horizontal medicine–the emergencies and trauma cases. Surgery, anesthesia and other diagnostic and treatment procedures are very good."

The advances have been so great that a surgeon finely trained and skilled 20 years ago if awakened from a Rip Van Winkle sleep 20 years later, would not be allowed to enter any modern operating room. But medicine has lagged far behind in treating the walking wounded; vertical medicine has not advanced much over the past 20 years. An internist brought back after 20 years would have little trouble practicing today and might even get better results.
Modern medicine has become one of the major factors in causing death. This is described in the article, Death by Medicine (JOM 20.1)." http://www.orthomolecular.org/library/jom/2005/pdf/2005-v20n03-p163.pdf

"Why is one peer reviewed medical journal indexed, and another not?"

In 1973 the Tsk Force #7 Report to the American Psychiatric Association was a 54 page document created to suppress the best researchers in U.S, psychiatry such as Carl C. Pfeiffer, Ph.D., M.D. and Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. These psychiatrists had progressed from Thorazine to finding ways to test people biochemically and to treat them. This was not convivisal to the "Good News" people of Biopsychiatry who were about to continue another 4 decades of ever increasing pharmaceutical drug sales in psychiatry. Drugs and nutrients was not the propaganda needed, they needed the big lie. Task Force #7 stated that all the science of their best researchers was unscientific and mistaken for all time rhetroactively and into the future. This 54 page document echoes the Carnegie Bullitin #4 in some ways, they were defining for everyone what modern scientific medicine was to mean, legally and through control of media and schools, in accordance to what gave them increasing power to do what they wanted to people, increasing influence, and great profit.

Dan Burdick

One could hardly expect a man ofRockefeller's efficiency and financial ability to fail to expect to profithandsomely from the disarming advantages of a "philanthropic" front.

"A lack of access to care, exorbitant costs of care and the continued acceptance of incompetence and malpractice in the field stem directly from the implementation of the non-scientific segments of the Flexner Report. Even the most cursory study of economics would help put such in its proper light. Fixing the broken domestic heatlhcare system starts with breaking the back of the allopathic oligopoly when it comes to controlling the allopathic education system and when it comes to the assignment of whole swaths of the field of healthcare to themselves."

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