Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Reason why people with a MH dx die 25 years earlier

 A reason why people with a MH dx die 25 years earlier. Could it be that having a dx predisposes you to be disbelieved by your primary care physician?

     Hello,  At the time period, when I was in an well funded Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Treatment operation in Olean, New York 15 years ago, the drug companies in league with top leadership in the American Psychiatric Assocoation and the NAMI leadership were doing many different actions to sell Risperdal, Zyprexa and other "atypical" "antipsychotics" (that is, Dopamine Blocker drugs). In this period I saw a pregnant woman being handed Risperdal to take. When the two councilor women at the counseling session didn't like one of my shares (wherein, I got angry and swore, while sitting there unthreateningly...) at one counseling session (that the van from the Halfway House I had been living in for months took us to as part of the well-funded treatment in N.Y. for alcoholism and drug addition) my counseling sessions were suspended until I was taken to see the man, the Psychiatrist Doctor at the counseling building. There I was pressured to take a drug, Risperdal, as a condition to continue to stay in Drug treatment where I had been voluntarily enrolled and drug free for 4 months. 

I got a metabolic and brain toxin Risperdal, like millions of others in this time period of expansive sales, and this interfered with my receiving the proper care - it utilized the type of care I was in, as a product sales growth opportunity: coercing people in drug and alcohol treatment to be nervous system drugged.

     Foster children, and children in treatments centers, and elders in senior citizen's living centers are targeted for sales also. People in Locked wards of course. The Psychiatric and drug company leadership took actions (1) to get the increased funding for the more expensive newer 'improved' drugs ("atypical mode of action" "safer more effective especially for negative symptoms") to be used.

    The National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors, NASMHPD document that announces that people die on average 25 years earlier who receive the modern mental health treatment (offered by SAMHSA and County Mental Health across the USA and endorsed fully by NAMI) in the USA, immediately starts running more than one type of interference, propaganda interference against what it announces. The time frame is obviously the time of continuing increasing Patented drug sales, (Ritalin, Prozac, Risperdal) but immediately they are suggesting that we not look at the drugs, not look at the fact that these people receive modern treatment, and look at the people instead. They need better medical health; it isn't the Psychiatric treatment. They are too fat they need to eat better. They smoke too much.

Daniel Burdick

(1) The Psychiatric and drug company leadership took actions, see for instance

Psychotropic Drug Makers Bankroll Prescribing Shrinks Part II  Sept 2007

     "The media's recent reporting that members of a Minnesota advisory panel who decide which drugs will be covered by the state's Medicaid program are on the take, adds a new chapter to an old book. This same scam has been used in states all over the country since the late 1990's, and if not for two relentless fraud investigators from Pennsylvania, the fact that the formulary committees are bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry might have remained a secret for all time.

The fact that drug makers were bribing state policy makers and members of advisory panels with the ultimate goal of capturing the lucrative Medicaid customer base to increase the sale of psychiatric drugs was first discovered several years ago by Allen Jones, while he was a federal fraud investigator in the Pennsylvania Office of Inspector General Bureau of Special Investigations, and Dr Stefan Kruszewski, a pediatric psychiatrist by trade, who was hired by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare to review the quality of care provided to persons covered by state programs" 

Prescription Abuse Seen In U.S. Nursing Homes 
Powerful Antipsychotics Used to Subdue Elderly; Huge Medicaid Expense
by Lucette Lagnado December 2007          
     Snowing elder's in Nursing Homes for behavioral control using neurotoxic dopamine 2 blocking "Psych" drugging chemicals: "
Nearly 30% of the total nursing-home population is receiving antipsychotic drugs, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, known as CMS. In a practice known as "off label" use of prescription drugs, patients can get these powerful medicines whether they are psychotic or not. CMS says nearly 21% of nursing-home patients who don't have a psychosis diagnosis are on antipsychotic drugs."
The Wave of Evil: New Report on ADHD Drugs
by Bruce Levine on July 16, 2009
     "The pharmaceutical-industrial complex has virtually annexed the mental health profession, whose all-star opportunist team is captained by Harvard psychiatrist Joseph Biederman, the high-profile doctor most responsible for the explosion of kids on psychiatric drugs, first for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and then for bipolar disorder."

Big Pharma Hits on Pregnant Women by Evelyn Pringle
     "If Big Pharma cared one iota about the unborn fetus, at a bare minimum, it would call off its hired-guns traveling around the country peddling SSRI antidepressants to pregnant women by convincing doctors to prescribed the drugs and ignore the studies and FDA warnings that say SSRIs are associated with serious birth defects."

TeenScreen—another gross distortion
by Evelyn Pringle August 2006
Simply put, a TMAP (a.k.a. algorithm) is a list of drugs that doctors are required to use in treating persons with specific illnesses who receive medication funded by the government with tax dollars.
Contrary to what TeenScreen claims, this list is not limited to mentally ill adults in Texas. In fact, Texas has a children's version that apes the adult version and is used for kids in hospitals, foster care institutions, prisons, juvenile programs and every other public program that is funded with tax dollars in Texas."

    Morbidity and Mortality in People with Serious Mental Illness NASMHPD Report 2006


III. Overview—The Problem
People with serious mental illness served by our public mental health systems die, on average,
25 years earlier than the general population. This has been demonstrated in a number of recent
studies. While suicide accounts for about 30% of excess mortality, about 60% of premature deaths are due to “natural causes”, such as cardiovascular and pulmonary disease.
Cardiovascular mortality in Schizophrenia increased from 1976 to 1995, with the greatest increase in Standardized Mortality Ratios in men from 1991 to 1995.

Many of the risk factors for these “natural causes” of death, such as smoking, obesity, and inadequate medical care, are modifiable.     (End of quote.)

  Suicide and SSRI's

A Cure Worse Than the Disease
Baum Hedlund Law Firm

PDAC Regarding the Results of FDA’s Ongoing Meta-analysisof Suicidality Data from Adult Antidepressant Trials
To: Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee (PDAC) members  December 1, 2006
Excerpts of Baum Hedlund's Submitted Written Comments

  Suicide and Dopamine 2 Blockade Drugs (IE, drug agents such as Haldol, Risperdal, Thorazine, Seroquel and Zyprexa)

Treatment-induced Suicide: Suicidality as a Potential Effect of Psychiatric Drugs
Peter Lehmann
     "Neuroleptics have a blockading effect primarily against the transmitter dopamine resulting in Parkinson's disease. This is a complex of symptoms, characterized by walking with a stoop, muscle tremor and blurred speech. Parkinson's disease regularly results from dopamine blockade. The potency of neuroleptics is defined by their power to create Parkinson's disease; this is not an unwanted side effect, this is the therapeutic main-effect as defined by psychiatrists."

Optimal Dosing for Schizophrenia  Raymond J. Pataracchia, B.Sc., N.D. 2005  
    "Neuroleptics are tranquilizers (major sedatives) that block brain neuron transmission at the receptor level.1 Neuroleptics can be useful during acute episodes of schizophrenia but should be prescribed with the intention of stabilizing the patient, not with the intention of long-term tranquilization. The human body was not made to function in a tranquilized state. I do not know of any physician willing to try this regimen themselves for a prolonged period of time."

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