Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Reason why people with a MH dx die 25 years earlier

 A reason why people with a MH dx die 25 years earlier. Could it be that having a dx predisposes you to be disbelieved by your primary care physician?

     Hello,  At the time period, when I was in an well funded Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Treatment operation in Olean, New York 15 years ago, the drug companies in league with top leadership in the American Psychiatric Assocoation and the NAMI leadership were doing many different actions to sell Risperdal, Zyprexa and other "atypical" "antipsychotics" (that is, Dopamine Blocker drugs). In this period I saw a pregnant woman being handed Risperdal to take. When the two councilor women at the counseling session didn't like one of my shares (wherein, I got angry and swore, while sitting there unthreateningly...) at one counseling session (that the van from the Halfway House I had been living in for months took us to as part of the well-funded treatment in N.Y. for alcoholism and drug addition) my counseling sessions were suspended until I was taken to see the man, the Psychiatrist Doctor at the counseling building. There I was pressured to take a drug, Risperdal, as a condition to continue to stay in Drug treatment where I had been voluntarily enrolled and drug free for 4 months. 

I got a metabolic and brain toxin Risperdal, like millions of others in this time period of expansive sales, and this interfered with my receiving the proper care - it utilized the type of care I was in, as a product sales growth opportunity: coercing people in drug and alcohol treatment to be nervous system drugged.

     Foster children, and children in treatments centers, and elders in senior citizen's living centers are targeted for sales also. People in Locked wards of course. The Psychiatric and drug company leadership took actions (1) to get the increased funding for the more expensive newer 'improved' drugs ("atypical mode of action" "safer more effective especially for negative symptoms") to be used.

    The National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors, NASMHPD document that announces that people die on average 25 years earlier who receive the modern mental health treatment (offered by SAMHSA and County Mental Health across the USA and endorsed fully by NAMI) in the USA, immediately starts running more than one type of interference, propaganda interference against what it announces. The time frame is obviously the time of continuing increasing Patented drug sales, (Ritalin, Prozac, Risperdal) but immediately they are suggesting that we not look at the drugs, not look at the fact that these people receive modern treatment, and look at the people instead. They need better medical health; it isn't the Psychiatric treatment. They are too fat they need to eat better. They smoke too much.

Daniel Burdick

(1) The Psychiatric and drug company leadership took actions, see for instance

Psychotropic Drug Makers Bankroll Prescribing Shrinks Part II  Sept 2007

     "The media's recent reporting that members of a Minnesota advisory panel who decide which drugs will be covered by the state's Medicaid program are on the take, adds a new chapter to an old book. This same scam has been used in states all over the country since the late 1990's, and if not for two relentless fraud investigators from Pennsylvania, the fact that the formulary committees are bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry might have remained a secret for all time.

The fact that drug makers were bribing state policy makers and members of advisory panels with the ultimate goal of capturing the lucrative Medicaid customer base to increase the sale of psychiatric drugs was first discovered several years ago by Allen Jones, while he was a federal fraud investigator in the Pennsylvania Office of Inspector General Bureau of Special Investigations, and Dr Stefan Kruszewski, a pediatric psychiatrist by trade, who was hired by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare to review the quality of care provided to persons covered by state programs" 

Prescription Abuse Seen In U.S. Nursing Homes 
Powerful Antipsychotics Used to Subdue Elderly; Huge Medicaid Expense
by Lucette Lagnado December 2007          
     Snowing elder's in Nursing Homes for behavioral control using neurotoxic dopamine 2 blocking "Psych" drugging chemicals: "
Nearly 30% of the total nursing-home population is receiving antipsychotic drugs, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, known as CMS. In a practice known as "off label" use of prescription drugs, patients can get these powerful medicines whether they are psychotic or not. CMS says nearly 21% of nursing-home patients who don't have a psychosis diagnosis are on antipsychotic drugs."
The Wave of Evil: New Report on ADHD Drugs
by Bruce Levine on July 16, 2009
     "The pharmaceutical-industrial complex has virtually annexed the mental health profession, whose all-star opportunist team is captained by Harvard psychiatrist Joseph Biederman, the high-profile doctor most responsible for the explosion of kids on psychiatric drugs, first for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and then for bipolar disorder."

Big Pharma Hits on Pregnant Women by Evelyn Pringle
     "If Big Pharma cared one iota about the unborn fetus, at a bare minimum, it would call off its hired-guns traveling around the country peddling SSRI antidepressants to pregnant women by convincing doctors to prescribed the drugs and ignore the studies and FDA warnings that say SSRIs are associated with serious birth defects."

TeenScreen—another gross distortion
by Evelyn Pringle August 2006
Simply put, a TMAP (a.k.a. algorithm) is a list of drugs that doctors are required to use in treating persons with specific illnesses who receive medication funded by the government with tax dollars.
Contrary to what TeenScreen claims, this list is not limited to mentally ill adults in Texas. In fact, Texas has a children's version that apes the adult version and is used for kids in hospitals, foster care institutions, prisons, juvenile programs and every other public program that is funded with tax dollars in Texas."

    Morbidity and Mortality in People with Serious Mental Illness NASMHPD Report 2006


III. Overview—The Problem
People with serious mental illness served by our public mental health systems die, on average,
25 years earlier than the general population. This has been demonstrated in a number of recent
studies. While suicide accounts for about 30% of excess mortality, about 60% of premature deaths are due to “natural causes”, such as cardiovascular and pulmonary disease.
Cardiovascular mortality in Schizophrenia increased from 1976 to 1995, with the greatest increase in Standardized Mortality Ratios in men from 1991 to 1995.

Many of the risk factors for these “natural causes” of death, such as smoking, obesity, and inadequate medical care, are modifiable.     (End of quote.)

  Suicide and SSRI's

A Cure Worse Than the Disease
Baum Hedlund Law Firm

PDAC Regarding the Results of FDA’s Ongoing Meta-analysisof Suicidality Data from Adult Antidepressant Trials
To: Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee (PDAC) members  December 1, 2006
Excerpts of Baum Hedlund's Submitted Written Comments

  Suicide and Dopamine 2 Blockade Drugs (IE, drug agents such as Haldol, Risperdal, Thorazine, Seroquel and Zyprexa)

Treatment-induced Suicide: Suicidality as a Potential Effect of Psychiatric Drugs
Peter Lehmann
     "Neuroleptics have a blockading effect primarily against the transmitter dopamine resulting in Parkinson's disease. This is a complex of symptoms, characterized by walking with a stoop, muscle tremor and blurred speech. Parkinson's disease regularly results from dopamine blockade. The potency of neuroleptics is defined by their power to create Parkinson's disease; this is not an unwanted side effect, this is the therapeutic main-effect as defined by psychiatrists."

Optimal Dosing for Schizophrenia  Raymond J. Pataracchia, B.Sc., N.D. 2005  
    "Neuroleptics are tranquilizers (major sedatives) that block brain neuron transmission at the receptor level.1 Neuroleptics can be useful during acute episodes of schizophrenia but should be prescribed with the intention of stabilizing the patient, not with the intention of long-term tranquilization. The human body was not made to function in a tranquilized state. I do not know of any physician willing to try this regimen themselves for a prolonged period of time."

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Occupy the APA. The Credibility of APA Diagnostic and Treatment Protocols and the Suppression of Integrative Medicine

The Task Force 7 Report to the American Psychiatric Association is a 58 page fraudulent Scientific Independent Peer Review stating that the biochemical testing and treatment research and clinical experience of their own best research Psychiatrists is wrong, mistaken, fraudulent basically, for all time past, present and future.

Cited over the decades as demonstrating that chemotherapy with B-Vitamins, antioxidants, zinc, and amino acids is invalid and exclusively chemotherapy with Patented Trademarked foreign toxic neurotropic centrally acting drugging agent chemicals to suppress symptoms represents is valid Medical therapy in Psychiatry. The APA has a listing of its Task Force Reports; the TF7 is not there at their list for you to read.

Hoffer & Osmond's Reply To The American Psychiatric
Association's Task Force Report On Megavitamin & Orthomolecular
Medicine In Psychiatry

Linus Pauling response to the Task Force #7 Report in his essay entitled "On the
Orthomolecular Environment of the Mind". Pauling objects to their use of the word promulgate. In Task Force #7 Report, Megavitamin and Orthomolecular Therapy in
Psychiatry they write that, the orthomolecular doctors "promulgate their ideas in the popular media." Pauling writes that the word promulgate is a "pejorative term

John Hamell


John Rappaport January 29, 2013

"To understand even a little bit about real psychiatry, versus the false picture, you have to know that someone running around the streets naked and screaming has nothing to do with a mental disorder.

If you can’t grasp that, you’ll always have a lingering sense that psychiatry is on the right track. It isn’t, and never was. Not from its earliest days, and not now, when it has the full backing and force of the federal government behind it.

Psychiatry is the kind of all-out fraud few people grasp.

In a moment of weakness and exhaustion, Allen Frances, the most famous and honored psychiatrist in America at the time (2000), understood part of it. He told Gary Greenberg of Wired Magazine, “There is no definition of a mental disorder. It’s bullshit. I mean, you just can’t define it.”


That’s on the order of the designer of the Hindenburg, looking at the burned rubble on the ground, remarking, “Well, I knew there would be a problem.”

After a suitable pause, Dr. Frances remarked to Greenberg, “These concepts [of distinct mental disorders] are virtually impossible to define precisely with bright lines at the borders.”

This was an admission that the bible of the profession, the DSM, the latest edition of which Frances himself had led in compiling, could not draw separations between the 297 official mental disorders listed in it. It was, in other words, a pretense. The whole bible.

In a PBS Frontline episode, Does ADHD Exist?, Dr. Russell Barkley, an eminent professor of psychiatry and neurology at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, spelled out the fraud even more clearly.

Here it is.

PBS FRONTLINE INTERVIEWER: Skeptics say that there’s no biological marker – that it [ADHD] is the one condition out there where there is no blood test, and that no one knows what causes it.

BARKLEY: That’s tremendously naive, and it shows a great deal of illiteracy about science and about the mental health professions. A disorder doesn’t have to have a blood test to be valid. If that were the case, all mental disorders would be invalid…There is no lab test for any mental disorder right now in our science. That doesn’t make them invalid. [Emphasis added]

Oh, indeed, that does make them invalid. Utterly and completely. All 297 mental disorders. They’re all hoaxes. Because there are no tests of any kind to back up the diagnosis.

You can sway and tap dance all you like and you won’t escape the noose around your neck. We are looking at a science that isn’t a science. That’s called fraud. Rank fraud."


In 1973 just as the sales of Psychiatric drugs was beginning to skyrocket and the DSM3 project was underway with its expunging of Freudian Psychotherapeutic argot (words such as neurosis and complex were excised for edition 3) with its "medical model" Psychological/Behavioral Diagnoses and matching Medical Treatments with Centrally Acting Patented Drug Pills and Electroshock Treatment, the APA crafted an Independent Task Force on the Biochemical Testing and Treatment oriented research Psychiatrists to discredit their work. Can not have accepted Scientific Medical testing and appropriate therapies when the exclusive paradigm desired is decades of Naming as Diagnosis (Psychiatric Nosology) and Brain Drugging and Electric Shocking as the nature of what Treatment is. (Goebbels - The big lie).

In light of this crime against humanity, this 50 year congame as Medicine, certain sentences in the TF7 Document are notable. Such as for instance this statement, "If there is to be wide professional acceptance of a megavitamin or orthomolecular treatment program, it must be based on demonstrable biochemical defects in this condition"

Rose My Wife by Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.
"Rose, my wife, was convinced that things do not happen by chance," .... "Hoffer Osmond and Smythies3 formulated the adrenochrome hypothesis." ...... "Our executive director, after Cal Samra left, arranged for some of us to meet with a small representation from NIMH. We met in Washington, DC. On our side we had Linus Pauling, Humphry Osmond, our executive director and for the NIMH Dr Morris Lipton, who had chaired the remarkable Task Force of the American Psychiatric Association which had roundly denounced our work and had published a most remarkable document, remarkable for its totally dishonest account of what we had been doing and claiming."

1973 “Task Force #7” Report to the American Psychiatric Association on Orthomolecular Therapy in Psychiatry

“Socially desirable outcomes have sometimes been derived from myths or fervently held beliefs. To this extent the orthomolecular movement in psychiatry may be socially useful. But if psychiatry is to become and remain scientific, it must meet the test of scientific validity. Nicotinic acid therapy does not do so at this time. If there is to be wide professional acceptance of a megavitamin or orthomolecular treatment program, it must be based on demonstrable biochemical defects in this condition and upon adequately designed and carefully executed clinical experiments with data presented to the professional and scientific community in an acceptable fashion. Such publications have not appeared from proponents of the orthomolecular approach for many years.

In the end the credibility of the megavitamin proponents and the orthomolecular psychiatrists becomes the crucial issue because it is never possible to fully prove or disprove a therapeutic procedure. Rather the theory and practice gain or lose credibility as its premises, methods, and results are examined, and attempts are made at clinical replication by independent investigators. This review and critique has carefully examined the literature produced by mega-vitamin proponents and those who have attempted to replicate their basic and clinical work. It concludes that in this regard the creditability of megavitamin proponents is low.

Their credibility is further diminished by a consistent refusal over the past decade to perform controlled experiments and to report their new results in a scientifically acceptable fashion.

Under these circumstances this Task Force considers the massive publicity which they promulgate via radio, the lay press and popular books, using catch phrases which are really misnomers like “megavitamin therapy” and “orthomolecular treatment” to be deplorable.”

Political Psychiatry, Social Control & Pharma, Psychology   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA71wfk0ctc
In Reply To The American Psychiatric Association Task Force On Megavitamin And Orthomolecular Therapy In Psychiatry  Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation 1976  http://www.iahf.com/orthomolecular/reply_to_apa_tfr_7.pdf  
 SCHIZOPHRENIA - Jack Phillips Online
Robert Whitaker Street Spirit Interview 2005  http://www.thestreetspirit.org/August2005/interview.htm
 Chaya Grossberg at Occupy the American Psychiatric Association 2013  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNvlqsZLcMU&feature=youtu.be 
 Jim Gottstein at Occupy the APA 2013   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIH6osXWdVE 
Leonard Roy Frank at Occupy APA 2013   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4WygjHKA8k
PsychRights' Medicaid Fraud Initiative Against Psychiatric Drugging of Children & Youth   
Natural News --- Wolves Circling Prey Targeting More Kids for 'Treatment' http://www.cchrint.org/tag/drugging-kids

A Message of Hope  Natural Medicine 
Scientific American Magazine 2003  What's the Harm? Alternative medicine is not everything to gain and nothing to lose  by Michael Shermer   http://www.michaelshermer.com/2003/12/whats-the-harm
What's in a name? Terming non-standard medical treatment. Marcus A. Cophen April 2004 Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients Magazine  www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-114820664.html
The Mainstreaming of Misinformation by Alan R. Gaby, MD 2007   http://www.townsendletter.com/AugSept2007/gabyedit0807.htm
Medline Obsolescence by Andrew W. Saul and Steve Hickey   www.doctoryourself.com/obsolescence.html
Nutrition and Your Mental Health  Nutrition by Natalie  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1U6ZQ_KaHs

Wellness Hour with Dr Cass  

Understanding Integrative Medicine with Dr. Hyla Cass   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQJslNyvZmg

Dr Abram Hoffer 

IFM Interview: Dr. Abram Hoffer and Dr. Jeffrey Bland  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RE2rpITjlhI

Natural Mental Health Cures - Orthomolecular Psychiatry   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIqioywu9_0

The Atlantic  May 2, 2013

Successful Schizophrenia 

R.D. Laing from the BBC documentary "The Trap"    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWusbsj6oA8


The public burial of the UN-Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities
(CRPD) took place at 3.30 p.m. on Nov. 10, 2010
in the Frankfurt river Main. 

Falsification of history in the "Deadly Medicine" exhibition Denial of over 20,000 murder victims from 1945 to 1949

Hurry Tomorrow (Singing Freedom) 

Hurry Tomorrow (Jack's Day)

Michael Moore Reveals the Truth About Columbine Killings  
Why do we not make more medical use of nutritional knowledge?  David Horrobin, M.D.

Diet, diabetes and schizophrenia: review and hypothesis 

International variations in the outcome of schizophrenia and the prevalence of depression in relation to national dietary practices  Malcolm Peet, FRCPsych  

   "The dietary predictors of outcome of schizophrenia and prevalence of depression are similar to those that predict illnesses such as coronary heart disease and diabetes, which are more common in people with mental health problems and in which nutritional approaches are widely recommended. Dietary intervention studies are indicated in schizophrenia and depression."  "
Diabetes, coronary heart disease and other related conditions that cluster together have been conceptualised as manifestations of the ‘metabolic syndrome’ (De Fronzo & Ferrannini, 1991; Hansen, 1999). Because these diseases also cluster with schizophrenia and depression, it has been proposed that these mental disorders may share some aetiological factors with physical diseases that constitute the metabolic syndrome (Peet & Edwards, 1997; Ryan & Thakore, 2002). A fundamental abnormality in the metabolic syndrome is insulin resistance (Hansen, 1999). Abnormal glucose utilisation reflecting insulin resistance has been demonstrated in patients with depression (Peet & Edwards, 1997). In schizophrenia, abnormalities of glucose utilisation were demonstrated before the introduction of modern antipsychotic drugs (Ryan & Thakore, 2002). Insulin resistance is altered by diet. Regular consumption of significant quantities of foodstuffs with a high ‘glycaemic load’, such as sugar and white bread, which rapidly release glucose into the blood-stream, gives rise to insulin resistance and subsequent susceptibility to diabetes and cardiovascular disease (Ludwig, 2002). A high dietary intake of saturated fat leads to increased insulin resistance, whereas substitution of saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat can reverse this effect and may be protective against future development of insulin resistance (Summers et al, 2002). The risk of mortality from coronary heart disease is decreased by regular consumption of fish and pulses (Mann, 2002). Thus, dietary patterns that influence insulin resistance and lead to diseases of the metabolic syndrome are reflected by the dietary predictors of outcome of schizophrenia and prevalence of depression in the present study. It can therefore be hypothesised that insulin resistance and associated metabolic disturbances resulting from dietary factors may account for the clinical association between depression, schizophrenia and the physical diseases of the metabolic syndrome.

An obvious practical consequence of this hypothesis is the possibility that mental health could be improved by dietary manipulation."

Scientific basis for the use of Indian ayurvedic medicinal plants in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders: ashwagandha. 
MR Murthy, PK Ranjekar    2010   
     "In Ayurveda, the herbal preparation is referred to as a "rasayana", an elixir that works, in a nonspecific, global fashion, to increase human health and longevity. It is also considered an adaptogen, a nontoxic medication that normalizes physiological functions, disturbed by chronic stress, through correction of imbalances in the neuroendocrine and immune systems." 

Freedom instead of coercion: World première of the „PatVerfue“ video with Nina Hagen! http://www.patverfue.de/en/world-premiere-of-the-patverfue-video-with-nina-hagen

Anti-Electroshock Mother's Day Demonstration 

Peter Breggin, MD - The Violence Initiative  

The drugs I need - Progenitorivox

John Breeding, PhD - Drugged: From Cradle to Grave     www.youtube.com/watch?v=ez2e0XjRhFU
REARRANGING THE DECK CHAIRS ON THE TITANIC by Scott Tips 2004, Whole Foods Magazine  http://www.thenhf.com/old/codex_09.htm
 Scott Tips Awakened State 13th Oct 2012, Teviot Edinburgh   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wQxd6NzgRw 
A4M Sues Wikipedia - Quackbuster(?) PropagandistsTargeted...   www.bolenreport.com/feature_articles/feature_article077.htm
Naturopathic Medicine and the New Political Realities A talk by Peter Barry Chowka presented at the Tenth Annual Convention of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP), Snowmass Village, Colorado October 13, 1995   http://www.healthy.net/scr/article.aspx?ID=832
Doctor faces inquiry from medical board John Gambee’s alternative-medicine practices are investigated in a case being heard this week By Edward Russo The Register-Guard  Dec 17, 2010   http://projects.registerguard.com/csp/cms/sites/web/updates/25675945-46/board-gambee-medical-patients-doctor.csp


Oxidative stress and role of antioxidant and omega-3 essential fatty acid supplementation in schizophrenia.


Department of Psychiatry and Health Behavior, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA. Mahadik@psych.mcg.edu


1. Schizophrenia is a major mental disorder that has a lifetime risk of 1% and affects at young age (average age at the onset 24 +/- 4.6 years) in many cultures around the world. The etiology is unknown, the pathophysiology is complex, and most of the patients need treatment and care for the rest of their lives. 2. Cellular oxidative stress is inferred from higher tissue levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS, e.g., O2*-, OH*, OH-, NO* and ONOO--) than its antioxidant defense that cause peroxidative cell injury, i.e., peroxidation of membrane phospholipids, particularly esterified essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (EPUFAS), proteins and DNA. 3. Oxidative stress can lead to global cellular with predominantly neuronal peroxidation, since neurons are enriched in highly susceptible EPUFAs and proteins, and damages DNA is not repaired effectively. 4. Such neuronal peroxidation may affect its function (i.e., membrane transport, loss of mitochondrial energy production, gene expression and therefore receptor-mediated phospholipid-dependent signal transduction) that may explain the altered information processing in schizophrenia. 5. It is possible that the oxidative neuronal injury can be prevented by dietary supplementation of antioxidants (e.g., vitamins E, C and A; beta-carotene, Q-enzyme, flavons, etc.) and that membrane phospholipids can be corrected by dietary supplementation of EPUFAs. 6. It may be that the oxidative stress is lower in populations consuming a low caloric diet rich in antioxidants and EPUFAs, and minimizing smoking and drinking. 7. Oxidative stress exists in schizophrenia based on altered antioxidant enzyme defense, increased lipid peroxidation and reduced levels of EPUFAs. The life style of schizophrenic patients is also prooxidative stress, i.e., heavy smoking, drinking, high caloric intake with no physical activity and treatment with pro-oxidant drugs. 8. The patients in developed countries show higher levels of lipid peroxidation and lower levels of membrane phospholipids as compared to patients in the developing countries. 9. Initial observations on the improved outcome of schizophrenia in patients supplemented with EPUFAs and antioxidants suggest the possible beneficial effects of dietary supplementation. 10. Since the oxidative stress exists at or before the onset of psychosis the use of antioxidants from the very onset of psychosis may reduce the oxidative injury and dramatically improve the outcome of illness.
ADHD Drugs, Heart Failure Sudden Death, Nutrition by Natalie     

The late Lendon Smith, M.D. was a very popular Doctor who appeared on T.V. on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show and wrote excellent books. He explains how the use of Psychostimulant drugs such as Ritalin for hyperactivity & attention deficit was discovered by a Medical accident. This was in the 1930s. By 1980 responsible people were describing the increasing sales of Ritalin and Adderal as an "epidemic." (See. google, "lendon smith attention bromide benzedrine.") This first Doctor suggested various harms to the brain that might be causing sub-clinical or minimal brain impairment in these patients. It behooved Big Pharma and Big Psychiatry to lose the terminology MBD minimal Brain Dysfunction and switch to ADD and ADHD as real Diseases (of as yet unknown nature!) Diagnosed, get this, behaviorally. And needing real Medicines, that being ever increasing sales of Ciba Geigy's Ritalin product and others. Any Doctors suggesting, along the way, that petroleum dyes added to processed foods with too much sugar in them, or not enough zinc, or what have you, was the trouble... too much lead and mercury, were branded "alternative" quack Doctors. ADHD is a real single Disease the cause of which is unknown! There is no Laboratory blood-work Test to confirm a person has contracted it... there is no cure... it can't be confirmed a person had it even by autopsy, but it is a real single Disease, and it calls for Real Medicine prescribed by the Doctor. They do not know how the Medicine works... but nevertheless that's the best treatment there is. And yellow dye has Nothing to do with it! That is absurd!! Their License should be revoked.  
Naturopathic Medicine and the New Political Realities A talk by Peter Barry Chowka presented at the Tenth Annual Convention of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP), Snowmass Village, Colorado O)ct. 1995   http://www.healthy.net/scr/article.aspx?ID=832
"the crisis runs much deeper. And for its roots, we need to go back about 100 years -- which is to 1896 and what is considered the start of Naturopathic Medicine in North America -- the centennial of which will be celebrated next year.

In the late 1800s and early in this century, the arts of healing and the practice of medicine were extremely diverse. The options were eclectic, small scale, community-based, grassroots, and included some quite effective, traditional modalities that had been in use for over hundreds and thousands of years: homeopathy, hydrotherapy, herbal medicine, nutrition, physical medicine, the powers of touch and of the mind, and so on.

There was some quackery, too, of course -- not least from the growing school of allopathy -- but there was considerable freedom and a free marketplace of medical ideas.

As many of you know, this democratic -- with a small d -- system came to a screeching halt shortly after the publication of the Flexner Report in 1910. Paid for by the special interests, and very much in sync with the allopathic, mechanistic medical paradigm and the emerging petrochemical power structure of the period, the Flexner Report was supposedly meant to regulate and improve medical education. In reality, it succeeded in driving most of the eclectic practitioners and their schools totally out of business. An example was the Hahnemann homeopathic hospital and school in Philadelphia which became an allopathic medical institution! The broad range of learning, expertise, and clinical practice represented by things like botanical medicine and homeopathy was relegated to a curious freak-like footnote in the history of medicine, or driven underground to simmer quietly until the climate might become accepting again.

As the 20th Century advanced -- and I have that word advanced in quotes, by the way -- As the 20th Century advanced, the hegemony of allopathic medicine came to be near-complete. First it was the petrochemical and pharmaceutical mega-interests, and emerging professional class of medical experts, who redirected healing into a very narrow, reductionist, and self-serving approach. An example here is the way the tax-exempt Eli Lilly Foundation, flush with profits from the Eli Lilly drug company, gave hundreds of millions of dollars to U.S. medical schools over several decades to ensure that the basis of medicine would become, and would remain, pharmacology."

Nosological DSM5 Mind Drugging that’s Scientific for YOU

The Scientific Method used in Psychiatry.

Psychiatric diagnoses are Psychiatric and not Medical Diagnoses, thus Psychological Word Tests, Clinical Interview, Behavior Reports and Professional Opinion are used for making Scientific Psychological Diagnoses.

Then Scientifically we use the “Medical Model.” After using a Naming System of classifying people in their type of deviation from normal. (The D.S.M. Nosology of Psychological Classification/Diagnosis in Psychiatric Medicine.) Then we Scientists act on the basis of our Hypothesis, the Medical Model of explanation for people belonging to these Categories we assigned then to.

Thus scientifically, as the Mind or Psyche is found lodged in the brain. Psychotropic drugging agents that target the brain and thus impact the Mind and Behavior are the Medical and Scientific items to use.

Each one patented and by prescription.

As they are Psychiatric Diagnoses – all Physical Problems are ruled out. (If an explanatory Physical diagnosis, should happen to actually be made, subsequently, to the initial D.S.M. Diagnosis, then, in such a case as that, this would therefor retroactively negate the Psychiatric Diagnosis.

A Physical Medical diagnosis that explains a Psychiatric disorder in this way is called in the Psychiatric Professional Literature a quote, “mimic.”

Then we treat the problems Medically.

Science deals with concrete physical reality, mathematically quantified measures. Each Official DSM Selection Category of Deviance from Normality (or diagnosis of illness or disorder) has a billing number. We use well defined Physical Interventions, including large electrical shocks across the patients temples of a given Voltage and Lasting for a specified length of time. Purified synthetic drugging agents made in Modern Factories are given in specified dosages. These are toxic neurotropic chemicals and have a tangible forceful powerful impact on cell signaling so the subject is modified in a well defined and repeatable fashion.

This centrally acting chemical drugging and large electric shocks induced Grand Mal seizures are repeatable concrete Medical Intervention that which is fully describable and repeatable, so, this is much more modern, reasoned and objective than the would-be Medical treatment mush-minded mumbo-jumbo about social milieu, social reform, encounter groups, psychotherapy, psychological talk therapy, psychoanalysis, relating to the patient, family counseling, occupational therapy and Maslo’s Hierarchy of Needs and such sort will-o’-the-wisp flotsam, all unmeasurable ephemeral.

Real doctors have Medical Licenses and the power to prescribe patented drugs that are legally sanctioned by the current Government.

Psychiatrists are Real Doctors. Firstly, The word Psychiatrist means Medical Doctor of the Mind or Soul. Second, Psychiatric Doctors Diagnose Illness and Prescribe Medicine. Since these Medical Illnesses are of the Mind rather than the body they are Scientifically diagnosed Psychologically and then they are Treated with Modern Drugs that are neurotropic drugging agents – by Targeting the Physical Brain (wherein is found the Psychology of the Subject, their putative “mind” or “soul”) these Doctor’s Medications impact the Brain to change the Psychology, effectively and quickly, because these are pure potent drug chemicals from the Modern Factories.

Meds of Neuropsychopharmacology – Complience to Authority or Fearful Consequence

The Meds of Neuuropsychopharmacology
Learn about the First-Line Neuropsychopharmacological
Treatments for YOUR particular Psychological Category,
Your Professionally Evaluated D.S.M.4 “CONDITION” “Disorder”

Jerod Poore’s Meds of Neuropsychopharmacology Website
- Meds and Conditions -
The quote “Meds” are “imperfect” and
A “condition” has “symptoms.”
A “condition” and its “symptoms” will not go away and will continue to get
    Quote, “the longer you go without treating it.”

“Untreated” something-or-others… conditions, disorders… whatever..

Therefore: “Meds” are “imperfect,” “conditions” are never cured or resolved,
instead, “Meds” are the exclusive treatment for the incurable non-resolvable
“conditions,” without “Meds,” which ARE, of course, the available First line
“treatment” being employed
by you for “treating” your “condition”
your “condition” which will “keep getting worse.”
So sorry that the “Meds” are imperfect but hey... we Know they are
'working hard' -- and New Improved Drugs are on the Hopeful Horizon.


Mental disorder diagnosis /The DSM-IV organizes psychiatric diagnosis into a Taxonomy of Treatable Conditions / DSM 3,4,5

 The Manuel used to classify what category a patient belongs in / abnormal behavior / Abnormal symptoms are classified / Adult Abnormal Psychology / Mental Illness. / You are taxonomically classified as abnormal – your mind is an identified illness. You need a Polypharmacologic Panoply of Mind Medicines to control the symptoms of You: your disordered behavior and your mental sickness.

Unite for Life & Amy Philo
Quote  "In the article on Grohol’s website, in reference to people fighting against the Mothers Act, Katherine asks: “Do they not know that women with untreated postpartum depression can go on to have chronic depression for the rest of their lives?” “

Depression (an emotion) is something that needs “treatment,” – it is a mysterious medical disease of unspecified nature – whatever – and this
“treatment” is whatever they say it is, and nothing else.

In this case they mean that Pregnant Women must have Patented Brain Drugging chemical agents (that are very profitable) that contain Chlorine or Fluorine atoms, and that cause still-births, and cause babies born in need of immediate surgery for birth-defects.
Never-mind that – these are the cutting-edge of modern Scientific Psychiatric (Evidence-Based, Peer-Reviewed, Journal-Published, Double-Blinded Test Result Demonstrated, Safe-and-Effective) treatments and if you don’t follow the Authorities’ Medical Orders, well, the results can be tragic!

A Beautiful Mind – Film Synopsis
“After a painful series of insulin shock therapy sessions(1), Nash is released on the condition that he agrees to take antipsychotic medication.(1) However, the drugs create negative side-effects that affect his relationship with his wife and, most dramatically, his intellectual capacity. Frustrated, Nash secretly stops taking his medication (2) and hoards his pills, triggering a relapse of his psychosis. (2)
While bathing his infant son, Nash becomes distracted and wanders off.(2) Alicia is hanging laundry in the backyard and observes that the back gate is open. She discovers that Nash has turned an abandoned shed in a nearby grove of trees into an office for his work for Parcher. Upon realizing what has happened, Alicia runs into the house to confront Nash and barely saves their child from drowning in the bathe tub.(2)”

(1) the idea of the imperfect med/the imperfect psychiatric therapy
(2) consequences of not treating

The Professional Treatments of then-current Psychiatry portrayed – the “insulin shock therapy” followed by Nash agreeing to “take” “antipsychotic medication” – is
depicted as working 100% in the Movie,
that is: the delusions are banished and Nash’s "hallucinatory friends” (that only he Nash can see - are banished) at this point of having just received the shock and starting taking the prescription “meds” his imaginary friends are no longer seen and heard from by Nash.

His life has become boring and unrewarding while he and his condition and its symptoms are at this time shown as totally under control.

 Psychiatric expert ordered Interventions work, the problems these Authorities detect are real (the Profession is validated and its means justified) The problems are, as well, chronic, and progressive – especially if not treated in a timely manner, and are best understood by the Professional Authorities. These Professionals have the Authoritative Treatments – which they also understand better than any layperson can – and which are the best in existence. Improvements are on the way via their continuing, well-funded Scientific Research being conducted at the Drug Companies, Academies and at the NIMH.

So obeying the authorities is the correct thing to do then. The Movie shows the (supposed) great leap forward of progress with the “newer medications.”

Being non-compliant and lacking illness insight results, in the film, in a worsening of “the condition” and consequences such as almost drowning the baby, and coming very close to murdering the wife – under compulsion of the voices of the imaginary friends – only because of the very rare quality of Nash having a genius-mind ( A Beautiful exceptional Mind ) does Nash just barely, luckily avoid Murdering his wife, because at that exact time he with his Mathematical mind logically realizes that the imaginary little girl can not be a real little girl because she is the same age – she never ages – this is enough of an insight for Nash to have flash through his mind to desist in Killing his wife.

Later, the authority Psychiatrist on the Phone with The Wife/Family Member hangs up in Superior-Anger after telling Her that She and Nash can choose not to follow his Medical Intervention advice/order, and in that case She can Call him back when Nash is trying to Kill her again next time!! Hangs up!

Oh my dear old NAMI ! (Movie The Jazz Singer reference.) (Your Aunt NAMI, Has a nice warm cup of Coco for you Deary! With a little liquid Haldol in it!)  If Your loved one is not a exceptional Brilliant
“Beautiful Mind” you had better follow your Expert Professional Authority Doctors advice on the Current State-of-the-Art treatments, if you don’t want THEM, your selected-as-belonging in a D.S.M.  Authoritative Category of Abnormal Psychology loved ones from slaughtering you in the Kitchen, or leaving your Daughter to drown in the Bathtub.

Who Loves You? Your Dear Old NAMI, and Your Uncle Sam and your
Uncle Glaxo-Smith-Kline, that’s who. The Altruistic Brilliant Expert Authorities and the Concerned Altruistic Non-profit Groups.

NAMI’s Betrayal of It’s Constituency by Vera Sharav.

What Glaxo-Smith-Klein Really Thinks about Paxil for Children:
“it would be commercially unacceptable to include a statement that efficacy had not been demonstrated” October 1998,
Confidential – For Internal Use Only

State sanctioned surveillance program will identify behavioral
“red flags” in children,
treat them with psychotropic drugs
From the February 2001 Idaho Observer:
  by Ingri Cassel http://proliberty.com/observer/20010206.htm
     “She further stated that current treatment methods for these mental disorders are 80 percent successful.
     When asked what treatment methods are used to achieve this success–orthomolecular nutrition, psychotherapy, detoxification diets or drug therapy — Kirkwood responded briefly saying, “This is the medical model.”
     In other words, we are talking about the use of psychotropic drugs as a measure of successful treatment. State-sanctioned treatment involves masking the symptoms; not reversing the condition.”

NAMI parent’s false hope: blindly disabling children for life
 by Ty Colbert, Ph.D.   April 26, 2009

Interview of Lendon Smith, M.D.
The current Cutting Edge, Scientific State-Of-The-Art “meds” for the “condition” of “ADHD” are norepineprine transmission affecting Psychostimulant “meds,” here, Dr. Smith tells us that he attended a lecture done by the Doctor who discovered this current modern cutting-edge Neuropsychopharmacologic Intervention… the event happened in the 1930′s.

Quote, “In my fourth year in medical school I attended a lecture by a Portland pediatric neurologist. In the 1930s he was in charge of a home for “oddball” children. One of his clients was a wild and crazy girl. He told his nurse to give her a dose of bromide. She reached up and by mistake got hold of the benzedrine bottle. In about 30 minutes the girl was asleep.
The doctor said to the nurse, “That bromide works.” The nurse said, “What did you say?”
Of course she had to fill out an accident report, but the two of them could not believe the therapeutic results. They repeated the maverick dose the next day and the girl calmed down again. The doctor wrote a paper about this and it was reported in one of the pediatric journals.”

… Notice how the Doctor was on the topics of brain-injury, brain-impairment…
to keep the Ritalin Juggernaut rolling to ever greater drugging profits this had to stop,
they stopped all Medical talk of underlying real problems and real medical treatments and preventions,
and made everything the “Medical Model” of the DSM3 and DSM4 with its mysterious
(Psychological Abnormality Category)
unexplained “Conditions” with symptoms that can be controlled
by centrally-acting Prescription “Meds” prescibed by the “Doctor”
who “Diagnosed” you and your loved ones with quote “Mental Illness”
(whatever that is). (Answer: It is yet another decade of increased Profits, that’s what it is.)

PSYCHIATRY’S UNHOLY TRINITY– FRAUD, FEAR AND FORCE: A PERSONAL ACCOUNT http://psychiatrized.org/Articles/LeonardRoyFrank(2002).pdf Leonard Roy Frank 2002

Notes on PSYCHIATRIC FASCISM www.whale.to/a/weitz.html by Don Weitz Toronto, Ontario
“For almost 150 years, psychiatry has been masquerading as a medical science and as a branch of medicine. It is not and never was a science or a type of health care.” “After about seventy years of psychiatric practices and research, there is still no diagnostic test for schizophrenia or any of the other three hundred so-called mental disorders listed in the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which is essentially a list of class-driven moral judgements of allegedly abnormal behaviour, published and propagandized by the American Psychiatric Association.” “Fear is a powerful motivator in enforcing conformity, obedience and making people submit to authority. Historically, inducing and manipulating fear or masked terror has always been a key policy and practice in all fascist regimes”

Witches, Midwives, and Nurses A History of Women Healers by Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English http://tmh.floonet.net/articles/witches.html “Our subservience is reinforced by our ignorance, and our ignorance is enforced.” “We are told that our subservience is biologically ordained” “The age of witch-hunting spanned more than four centuries (from the 14th to the 17th century) in its sweep from Germany to England. It was born in feudalism and lasted—gaining in virulence—well into the “age of reason.” The witch-craze took different forms at different times and places, but never lost its essential character: that of a ruling class campaign of terror directed …”

"Baal" Psy-Ops. Rule of Law. Evil-Eye-Zation. "The fasces" The Whip (Guillotine, Prison, Taser, Orange Hood, etc.) . Witchcraft, Statecraft for Governmental Social Control.

The Authority Voice. ”And He Shall Rule Over Thee” by Randeep Singh Chauhan http://ir.lib.sfu.ca/retrieve/745/etd1626.pdf

The New Malleus Maleficarum: The DSM Reconsidered by Paul and Phillip Collins ©, May 27th, 2005 www.conspiracyarchive.com/Commentary/DSM_Reconsidered.htm

Escaping Planetary Oppression Mechanisms: 

Part 1 Rewards and Punishments http://faculty.mdc.edu/jmcnair/Joe3pages/rew.htm © 1999 Denise Breton and Christopher Largent “Rewards and punishments teach power-over relations. That’s the model. And when being on the receiving end of this model gets tiresome, we begin the mad race to be on top.” ” Rewards and punishments teach image management. Appearing to be good is more important than being good.”
“In our present culture, rewounding happens systematically, though often unnoticed.
For instance, the automobile industry takes wounding to new heights. Though most of us assume that death-threatening driving is just the inescapable price of modern mobility, we need only recall the film ‘Tucker,’ in which we’re reminded that safety features pioneered in the 1940s and 1950s were not accepted

Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity by Parris M. Kidd

Phosphatidylserine A Natural Brain Nutrient


Stand Up!
Daniel Burdick

Jim Gottstein The Disconnect Between Legal Rights and
What Actually Happens  www.youtube.com/watch?v=to_Jba229mY
SAMHSA Recovery for Mental Illness Redefined
Psychiatric Victim Occupy APA 2013 Open Mic     

A Message of Hope  Natural Medicine 

Nutrition and Your Mental Health  Nutrition by Natalie  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1U6ZQ_KaHs

Wellness Hour with Dr Cass  

Understanding Integrative Medicine with Dr. Hyla Cass   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQJslNyvZmg

Dr Abram Hoffer 

IFM Interview: Dr. Abram Hoffer and Dr. Jeffrey Bland  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RE2rpITjlhI

Natural Mental Health Cures - Orthomolecular Psychiatry   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIqioywu9_0

The Atlantic  May 2, 2013

Successful Schizophrenia 

R.D. Laing from the BBC documentary "The Trap"    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWusbsj6oA8


The public burial of the UN-Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities
(CRPD) took place at 3.30 p.m. on Nov. 10, 2010
in the Frankfurt river Main. 

Falsification of history in the "Deadly Medicine" exhibition Denial of over 20,000 murder victims from 1945 to 1949

Hurry Tomorrow (Singing Freedom) 

Hurry Tomorrow (Jack's Day)

Vaccine Nation Gary Null 

The Drugging Of Our Children (Full Length)  

Michael Moore Reveals the Truth About Columbine Killings   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqylvZL845w

Diet, diabetes and schizophrenia: review and hypothesis 

International variations in the outcome of schizophrenia and the prevalence of depression in relation to national dietary practices  Malcolm Peet, FRCPsych  

   "The dietary predictors of outcome of schizophrenia and prevalence of depression are similar to those that predict illnesses such as coronary heart disease and diabetes, which are more common in people with mental health problems and in which nutritional approaches are widely recommended. Dietary intervention studies are indicated in schizophrenia and depression."  "
Diabetes, coronary heart disease and other related conditions that cluster together have been conceptualised as manifestations of the ‘metabolic syndrome’ (De Fronzo & Ferrannini, 1991; Hansen, 1999). Because these diseases also cluster with schizophrenia and depression, it has been proposed that these mental disorders may share some aetiological factors with physical diseases that constitute the metabolic syndrome (Peet & Edwards, 1997; Ryan & Thakore, 2002). A fundamental abnormality in the metabolic syndrome is insulin resistance (Hansen, 1999). Abnormal glucose utilisation reflecting insulin resistance has been demonstrated in patients with depression (Peet & Edwards, 1997). In schizophrenia, abnormalities of glucose utilisation were demonstrated before the introduction of modern antipsychotic drugs (Ryan & Thakore, 2002). Insulin resistance is altered by diet. Regular consumption of significant quantities of foodstuffs with a high ‘glycaemic load’, such as sugar and white bread, which rapidly release glucose into the blood-stream, gives rise to insulin resistance and subsequent susceptibility to diabetes and cardiovascular disease (Ludwig, 2002). A high dietary intake of saturated fat leads to increased insulin resistance, whereas substitution of saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat can reverse this effect and may be protective against future development of insulin resistance (Summers et al, 2002). The risk of mortality from coronary heart disease is decreased by regular consumption of fish and pulses (Mann, 2002). Thus, dietary patterns that influence insulin resistance and lead to diseases of the metabolic syndrome are reflected by the dietary predictors of outcome of schizophrenia and prevalence of depression in the present study. It can therefore be hypothesised that insulin resistance and associated metabolic disturbances resulting from dietary factors may account for the clinical association between depression, schizophrenia and the physical diseases of the metabolic syndrome.
An obvious practical consequence of this hypothesis is the possibility that mental health could be improved by dietary manipulation."

Scientific basis for the use of Indian ayurvedic medicinal plants in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders: ashwagandha. 
MR Murthy, PK Ranjekar    2010   
     "In Ayurveda, the herbal preparation is referred to as a "rasayana", an elixir that works, in a nonspecific, global fashion, to increase human health and longevity. It is also considered an adaptogen, a nontoxic medication that normalizes physiological functions, disturbed by chronic stress, through correction of imbalances in the neuroendocrine and immune systems." 

Dan Burdick

Freedom instead of coercion:World première of the „PatVerfue“ video with Nina Hagen http://www.patverfue.de/en/world-premiere-of-the-patverfue-video-with-nina-hagen

Anti-Electroshock Mother's Day Demonstration 

Peter Breggin, MD - The Violence Initiative  

The drugs I need - Progenitorivox

John Breeding, PhD - Drugged: From Cradle to Grave     www.youtube.com/watch?v=ez2e0XjRhFU

Dr. Abram Hoffer and Dr. Jeffrey Bland    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RE2rpITjlhI

The Sugarcubes - Birthday (English)  

Frankenstein . Edgar Winters Group . 1973  

The Cure - Like Cockatoos  

The Smiths  how soon is now

Jane's Addiction - Ocean Size 
The Cure -

Traffic - Medicated Goo(Full studio cut)  

Steppenwolf - Monster  

Do Antidepressants Cure Depression? Are Psych Drugs Safe? Dr. Colin Ross   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfV0FBMm9Y8

Global Warming

Sikkerhetshvelv for Opvarmning Polar Bears http://sites.google.com/site/wwwrealclimateorg/global-warming

Psychiatric Strait Racket

which side are YOU on? by REBEL DIAZ

Which Side Are You On -- Pete Seeger

Decreased antioxidant enzymes and membrane essential polyunsaturated fatty acids in schizophrenic and bipolar mood disorder patients Prabhakar K Ranjekar, Ashwini Hinge, Mahabaleshwar V Hegde, Madhav Ghate,Anvita Kale,Sandhya Sitasawad,Ulhas V Wagh,Vijay B Debsikdar, Sahebarao P Mahadik



Oxidative stress-mediated cell damage has been considered in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Abnormal findings have often been considered related to differences in ethnicity, life style, dietary patterns and medications, all of which influence indices of oxidative stress and oxidative cell damage. To minimize these confounds, schizophrenic patients were compared with age-matched control subjects with the same ethnic background and similar lifestyle, as well as with bipolar mood disorder (BMD) patients. Levels of antioxidant defense enzymes (i.e. superoxide dismutase, SOD; catalase, CAT; and glutathione peroxidase, GPx) were lower in schizophrenic patients than in controls, indicating conditions for increased oxidative stress. The contents of plasma thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were only marginally higher in schizophrenic patients, who had normal levels of arachidonic acid (AA), a major source of TBARS, indicating no significant oxidative membrane lipid peroxidation. Levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), however, were significantly lower in schizophrenic patients. When the same indices in BMD patients were compared with findings in matched controls, levels of only SOD and CAT were lower in the patients, whereas GPx was not. Again, as in schizophrenia, the contents of TBARS were marginally higher in BMD patients with no change in levels of AA. Levels of alpha-linolenic acid and EPA were significantly lower and levels of DHA were slightly lower in BMD patients. These data indicate that certain biochemical characteristics may be common to a spectrum of psychiatric disorders, and suggest supplementation of antioxidants and essential fatty acids might affect clinical outcome.

Oxidative stress and role of antioxidant and omega-3 essential fatty acid supplementation in schizophrenia.


Department of Psychiatry and Health Behavior, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA. Mahadik@psych.mcg.edu


1. Schizophrenia is a major mental disorder that has a lifetime risk of 1% and affects at young age (average age at the onset 24 +/- 4.6 years) in many cultures around the world. The etiology is unknown, the pathophysiology is complex, and most of the patients need treatment and care for the rest of their lives. 2. Cellular oxidative stress is inferred from higher tissue levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS, e.g., O2*-, OH*, OH-, NO* and ONOO--) than its antioxidant defense that cause peroxidative cell injury, i.e., peroxidation of membrane phospholipids, particularly esterified essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (EPUFAS), proteins and DNA. 3. Oxidative stress can lead to global cellular with predominantly neuronal peroxidation, since neurons are enriched in highly susceptible EPUFAs and proteins, and damages DNA is not repaired effectively. 4. Such neuronal peroxidation may affect its function (i.e., membrane transport, loss of mitochondrial energy production, gene expression and therefore receptor-mediated phospholipid-dependent signal transduction) that may explain the altered information processing in schizophrenia. 5. It is possible that the oxidative neuronal injury can be prevented by dietary supplementation of antioxidants (e.g., vitamins E, C and A; beta-carotene, Q-enzyme, flavons, etc.) and that membrane phospholipids can be corrected by dietary supplementation of EPUFAs. 6. It may be that the oxidative stress is lower in populations consuming a low caloric diet rich in antioxidants and EPUFAs, and minimizing smoking and drinking. 7. Oxidative stress exists in schizophrenia based on altered antioxidant enzyme defense, increased lipid peroxidation and reduced levels of EPUFAs. The life style of schizophrenic patients is also prooxidative stress, i.e., heavy smoking, drinking, high caloric intake with no physical activity and treatment with pro-oxidant drugs. 8. The patients in developed countries show higher levels of lipid peroxidation and lower levels of membrane phospholipids as compared to patients in the developing countries. 9. Initial observations on the improved outcome of schizophrenia in patients supplemented with EPUFAs and antioxidants suggest the possible beneficial effects of dietary supplementation. 10. Since the oxidative stress exists at or before the onset of psychosis the use of antioxidants from the very onset of psychosis may reduce the oxidative injury and dramatically improve the outcome of illness.