Tuesday, July 23, 2013

German Antipsychiatry achieved a major victory within the last couple years. There is now an Advance Directive for Psychiatric treatment. You can protect yourself from Psychiatric Treatment with Advance Directive. The Ger­man Par­lia­ment vo­ted on the new law on me­di­cal ad­vance di­rec­tives.

Nina Hagen sponsored this and helped with their great video!

The clever advance directive protects you against psychiatric coercion and unwanted custody.

German Antipsychiatry Group Names

Die Irren-Offensive e.V.   www.antipsychiatrie.de

The International Association Against Psychiatric Assault
IAAPA www.iaapa.de/wpa_hijacked.html 

die-BPE  http://www.die-bpe.de/

Nina Hagen Songs -

Smack Jack 

Your Own Personal Jesus - Depeche Mode Cover